✔ 最佳答案
The fund itself will not as the trustee company (State Street) is only holding it on behalf of the stockholders. So even if State Street Global Advisors Asia Ltd bankrupted, the fund itself (2800) will still be own by the shareholder and not the liable to debitors' claim.
However, one possible case that you could have "Loss" is when the shares is NOT registered UNDER YOUR NAME. This could happen as most brokerage hold shares under their name instead of your own (they call it custodian). (i.e. DBS Vickers Online and etc). If your brokerage bankrupted and the share is not under your name, then you have to claim it from the SFC insurance which there is a HKD 250,000 maximum claim cap per account.
The share is not under your name, you can open an account directly at Hong Kong Stock Exchange and transfer the shares to this account. HKEX will keep the shares under your name.
Hope this help
2009-05-18 21:39:43 補充:
Cannot type Chinese. Need to copy and paste
盈富基金, 最壞情況是恆生指數跌到0點才會遺失住部錢
如果證券行抵押客戶股票(盈富基金)帶來的風險,或者,客戶股票(盈富基金)是用證券行公司註冊導致住部遺失. (如證券行公司破產)
Hope this helps