To love_yuan55 1) 如果單憑維基百科加上大腦就可以得出答案,根本沒有問的必要。 2) 明顯地,我沒有誤解「停產」和「退役」的詞義,請勿胡亂猜測我的語文能力。 3) F-22從來沒有海軍版,只有已取消的紙上計劃。 4) 「升級」是有系統的改進,絕非「東改西湊」。事實上,所有戰機於服役期間都會持續升級,否則隔一段時間便會與時代脫節。在尚有升級空間的情況下,舊機可以透過升級在新機面世前支持下去。
5) 「還不如重新設計一架」的說法根本不合理。未能肯定新機種會否及時面世,正是因為未能肯定能否及時「重新設計一架」,設計好又不知道能否照計劃及時試飛,設計好又不知道能否及時服役。什至,在開發期間可能被逼取消計劃,例如F-22海軍版就因太貴而取消計劃。 6) 正因為F-14尚可升級,F-14依然是美國海軍有效的戰鬥力,而不會成為負累。所以「在整體戰力跟效益而言」,根本未有停產的必要。
To sa100ya I am sorry to tell you your answer is completely valueless. 1) It is difficult for me to read your reply due to the grammatical mistakes. 2) My interests have nothing to do with the fact.
3) I think you are not familiar with Chinese language. You have mixed up the Chinese phrases "停產"(ceasing production) with "退役"(retirement). 4) The performance of F-35 Lightning II is irrelevant since the design of X-35 starts after F-14 is ceased from production.
5) It is illogical to claim F-35 to be the reason because it was only the beginning of the Joint Strike Fighter Program when the production of F-14 ceased.
6) You have made the exactly the same mistake as what love_yuan55 made in your rhetorical question. I have never mentioned upgrading (I guess that's what you mean although you use the word "update") can replace a new fighter.
I have mentioned no one knew if the new type of fighter could enter service in time. No one could promise the project of new fighter would not be cancelled. My thought is the US Navy could struggle the situation by upgrading F-14 and keeping the production line until the next fighter is ready.
7) Similarly, I never want to keep the production line of F-14 forever. I have only mentioned it is more reasonable to keep the production line until the start of the mass production of the next figher.
8) It is very unscrupulous to use straw man argument. I believe you are not deliberate, but I want to tell you it is a libel to the intelligence of a person, sometimes even the character.