求英文自我介紹 (急) +20點

2009-05-12 10:03 pm


回答 (3)

2009-05-22 6:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
要講一分鐘自我介紹起馬約100字多d , 正常速度,唔洗急啲話。

首先 , 自我介紹第或其他講野場合 , 對住較陌生啲人 , 開始唔係講自己的名(001號啲答案有d不足之處) , 俾人地第一印象係要有禮貌 , 所以要先打招呼。
E.g. Good morning/afternoon/evening Sir/Madam , .... (對住面試果個人較為嚴謹 ,例如考核啲場面 )
Nice to meet you, ... (較輕鬆啲場面 , 例如同朋輩)

第二就要講你個名 : I'm "your name"
之後 , 如有需要(睇下咩場合)可以介紹你啲age. I'm 20 years old.
除了 " 招呼語 " 及 " 你的名字 "係每個interview必講之外 , 因應唔同啲情況和場合會有唔同啲內容 , 講左呢兩樣後先講內容。(你啲內容係關於航空)

因為只得 one more minute , 所以你唔應該花太多時間講你自己個喜好 (favourite food, favourite song) , 大概花 15 - 25 mins就得 , 其餘時間應講下關於你點解想加入呢間學校 , 同埋對航空啲興趣。What are you interested in air-flight/aviation?

我諗你個問題應該指你要入航空啲學校 , 因為你個問題唔係好清楚 , 我就假設係啦。

Good moring/afternoon/evening Sir/Madam , my name is (Mary-Anne). Everyone calls me (Ann). I'm (16) years old. I'm a Form (4) science/arts student./I've just graduated from (XYZ) school. And, I'm interested in something related to air-flight. Thus, I'd like to join in your school.

I always use up my free time to learn something about aviation in case that I love it. For example, I'd like watching Discovery channel which is related to air-flight, reading magazines which is related to the airplanes or aircraft. Especially, I much like watching military planes or military aircraft.

With the abovementioned, I found your school is good for me to broden my social circle especially to learn about aviation. It's honor for me if I could entry your school.

Thank you for your time.

2009-05-21 23:05:18 補充:
science student 理科生

2009-05-21 23:05:27 補充:
arts student 文科生

2009-05-21 23:05:35 補充:
air-flight/aviation 航空

2009-05-21 23:05:42 補充:
use up 用上/用完 (這裡大概是解作用上大部分我的休閒時間來增強你對航空的熱愛程度)

2009-05-21 23:05:49 補充:
in case that = because (若你在你的文或演講辭裡交待很多原因 , 除了用 because 之外 , 試用一用親的字或詞)

2009-05-21 23:05:58 補充:
magazines 雜紙

2009-05-21 23:06:04 補充:
military planes/aircraft 軍事用的飛機 (軍事飛機通常是用後者)

2009-05-21 23:06:11 補充:
airfield = airport (可以試一試用)

2009-05-21 23:06:18 補充:
aircraft = airplane

2009-05-21 23:06:24 補充:
With the abovementioned 依上述

2009-05-21 23:06:30 補充:
broden my social circle 廣闊我的社交圈子

2009-05-21 23:06:36 補充:
honor 榮幸

2009-05-21 23:10:31 補充:
呢d講辭裡面, 最後以 " 我好榮幸能夠加入呢間學校 " 同埋 " 謝謝你的時間 " 會較好。

2009-05-21 23:15:04 補充:
Grammar 可能有錯 , 但係講出來最緊要係 "膽量"、"語氣"、"流暢"、"有禮"、"讀音" etc. 我地呢d講野唔清驚Grammar錯 , 不過唔好太離譜。

2009-05-21 23:16:38 補充:
2009-05-21 23:05:49 補充內容上 , 請將 "親" 字改成 "新"

2009-05-21 23:21:16 補充:
在第二段中 , 請加以下句子做第一句 :

In the future, I'd to be a pilot.
參考: me
2016-04-04 2:19 pm
因為只得 one more minute , 所以你唔應該花太多時間講你自己個喜好 (favourite food, favourite song) , 大概花 15 - 25 s就得 , 其餘時間應講下關於你點解想加入呢間學校 , 同埋對航空啲興趣。What are you
2009-05-21 11:02 pm
My name is "someone". I was born on Aug 18, 1986. I am 18 years old.... (其他參考下面網址)
最後加你對航空的興趣及認識, 以及未來會選擇投身有關航空的職業, 例如空姐, 機師等

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