西甲 皇馬 架最大股東(老細)係邊個)?

2009-05-12 4:10 pm
西甲 皇馬 架最大股東(老細)係邊個)?

回答 (2)

2009-05-12 10:55 pm
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給您一個反高潮的答案: 西班牙球會皇家馬德里並沒有大股東。


皇馬全名Real Madrid Club de Ftbol,並不是什麼什麼股份有限公司,由會員 (socio)所集體擁有,所以並無大股東,會員個個都係老細,而球會亦不像其它大球會般以商業原則經營。會員會一人一票選出一位主席(會長)管理球隊事務,所以你應常聽到皇馬在選主席時各候選人誇口會羅致C朗、謝拉特等「政綱」,就是這個原因,若是有大股東,又何需「政綱」?


2009-05-12 17:18:15 補充:

Since its foundation, Real Madrid has been owned and operated only by its members (all Spanish) called socios, unlike most European football clubs.

Vicente Boluda只是會員推舉的現任會長,不是大股東!!!
2009-05-13 12:42 am

西甲皇馬架最大股東(老細)係Vicente Boluda

Vicente Boluda Vila (born 31 March 1955 in Valencia, Spain) is the president of Aguas de Valencia and the current president of Spanish sports club Real Madrid.

Life and career

Boluda has two master's degrees, one in legal advice for business and other in maritime law. He is also the president of the National Association of Shipowners and Tow-Trucks, a delegate in the Upper Counsel of the Chambers of Commerce, the first vice-president of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of Valencia, and vice-president of the Spanish Shipping Association.

In 1998, he received the Enterpriser of the Year award for his work in the Boluda Group, defeating rivals such as IBM and la Caixa.

Along with his own personal success, his grandfather, Boluda Marí, gave rise to a naval empire that has since expanded massively to cover various ports around the world. Now, they operate on both the shore, and sea, participating in off-shore rescues, and fight against contamination.

Career at Real Madrid

He has risen up through the ranks at the club, since becoming a part of the board directors when Ramón Calderón was elected in 2006.

In less than a year, he was named as vice-president, after Juan Mendoza resigned following a disagreement regarding the basketball side of the club.

Boluda became president of the club on 16 January 2009 after Ramón Calderón resigned.

In February 2009, Boluda boldly claimed that Real Madrid would "beat Liverpool 3-0" in a Champions League last 16 game at the Bernabeu. And finish the job by winning 1-2 at Anfield. However Liverpool won the first leg at the Bernabeu 0-1, thanks to a Yossi Benayoun headed goal, and won the second leg 4-0 at Anfield.

2009-05-13 16:19:29 補充:
sor , 我錯了 :}
參考: wiki

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