
2009-05-12 10:01 am
"One reason to install video cameras is to reduce student misbehavior, which creates a more productive learning environment. "


One reason to install video camera is to reduce student misbehavior and to create a more productive learning environment.

↑請問英文專家大大,我這樣寫可以嗎? 而上面那原本的句子文法又該怎麼解釋呢??

回答 (6)

2009-05-12 11:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
"One reason to install video cameras is to reduce student misbehavior, which creates a more productive learning environment. "
在這個句子which並不單指misbehavior,而是整個前面的句子One reason to install video cameras is to reduce student misbehavior才能創造more productive learning environment.因為裝了攝影機減少學生的行為不端(使學生正常或更加認真上課),這樣創造了一個更有成效的學習環境。

One reason to install video camera is to reduce student misbehavior and to create a more productive learning environment.
你改寫後One reason to install video camera 是為了減少學生的misbehavior,而且也為了創造more productive learning environment. 請問光是安裝攝影機要如何創造more productive learning environment?
2009-05-24 12:22 pm
原本那句話寫得不好, 犯了基本修辭的毛病: which指涉對象不清楚.

如你所想, which/who/that等關係代名詞應該是指前方的名詞, 這樣讀者才不會誤解句義. 所以你說 [後面的子句跟不良行為沒什麼關係吧??] 就表示原句的確造成讀者的困惑, 這種寫法在GMAT考試中是絕對不可以選作答案的

可是口語中或非正式的寫作中, which可以含糊地取代之前的一整個子句 或一個片段. 從內容看來, which 應該是指 to reduce student misbehavior

如果改寫 一下會清楚多了: One reason to install video cameras is to reduce student misbehavior, and this reduction (of misbehavior) creates a more productive learning environment.

而您用對等連接的手法來改, 變成這兩句的連結: (1) One reason to install video camera is to reduce student misbehavior. (2) One reason to install video camera is to create a more productive learning environment, 意思是: 安裝video cameras的目的有二

可是原句是連鎖反應的意思: 安裝了video cameras可以降低學生不良行為, 而不良行為減少了, 可以創造有效的學習環境. 一環扣一環

Hope this helps!
參考: Yours Truly
2009-05-12 6:08 pm
"One reason to install video cameras is to reduce student misbehavior, which creates a more productive learning environment. "

which修飾 One reason to install video cameras is to reduce student misbehavior 整句話

如果你用and 對等連接詞 就變成句意是
One reason to install video cameras to create a more productive learning environment.

"One reason to install video cameras is to reduce student misbehavior, which creates a more productive learning environment. "

最主要這句話要表達 裝video cameras的理由是減少學生偏差行為 才能創造出富有成效的學習環境
而不是裝video cameras就可以創造出富有成效的學習環境
參考: 自己
2009-05-12 11:04 am
which 前有逗點,表示補述用法,而其先行詞是reason 而不

是 misbehavior,你一定是被“先行詞即關代正前方的名詞”

2009-05-12 10:23 am
"One reason to install video cameras is to reduce student misbehavior, which creates a more productive learning environment. "

1.", which...."是一種不限定代名詞的使用方式.
簡單來說句子的主詞是"One reason to install video cameras is to reduce student misbehavior",而which就代用了以上的句子作為後面子句的主詞.請注意which並不單指misbehavior,而是整個前面的句子才能創造more productive learning environment.

One reason to install video camera is to reduce student misbehavior and to create a more productive learning environment.

2.主詞是One reason to install video camera. 安裝攝影機可以減少學生的misbehavior,但是如何可以創造more productive learning environment?
參考: 最近看的書
2009-05-12 10:19 am



參考: me

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