Atheist if you don't believe in the one true God then do you feel peace in your heart?

2009-05-11 9:51 am
I am a believer of God, The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. First off I want to say thank you for taking the time to read this.. Second, I am not condemning you and everyone has his or her own right to decided if they believe or not. What makes you disbelieve in our Heavenly Father? and if you don't believe in him how do you have peace in your heart? Do you ever feel unhappy or there's something missing in your life??

I mean TRUE peace, which means that you don't worry about the after life or life itself..


God loves you all and i'll pray for you all tonight. I trust God ever since i was little. If you all are going through some tough times talk to God, He's listening, He wants to hear you..

回答 (37)

2009-05-11 10:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
"What makes you disbelieve in our Heavenly Father?"

Lack of evidence. To many contradictory beliefs and ideologies which seem to cancel each other out. And, frankly, I once did believe and just couldn't reconcile all the inconsistencies I found in that faith. Not to mention I have a huge disagreement with some of the archaic beliefs and positions held by most churches, synagogues, and mosques regarding everything from a woman's place in the world (I am all for feminism), homosexuality (I support gay equality in all avenues), abortion (I support a woman's right to choose and do not see a fetus as life anymore then semen is or an egg is), and many many other issues.

"and if you don't believe in him how do you have peace in your heart?"

I accept the realities of my existence and those of nature. I know I am going to die someday. I am at peace with that fact of nature. I am happily married and feel love and joy and peace in my heart. I am content and feel that my life is as it should be. I know that a person of faith has a hard time reconciling the possibility an atheist could be at peace or have peace in their heart. Well, this is a misconception. Faith does not grant you something that non faith doesn't. Other then a belief that atheists do not share.

"Do you ever feel unhappy or there's something missing in your life??"

I think we all feel unhappy at times. Whether it is debt issues or job issues or health insurance issues or spousal disagreements. We wouldn't be human if we never had unhappy times. Even those of faith fall on unhappy times. But, there is nothing missing in my life. In order for something to be "missing" one first would have had to lose it which would imply they once had it. Well, I once had faith. I didn't lose it. I abandoned it. Many atheists never had it to begin with.
2009-05-11 10:01 am
"Atheist if you don't believe in the one true God then do you feel peace in your heart?"
Not as you define it, but yes.

"What makes you disbelieve in our Heavenly Father?"
The inability of all believers to come up with a single convincing reason to believe in their deity.

"I mean TRUE peace, which means that you don't worry about the after life or life itself.."
I don't think there is an afterlife, so I don't worry about it. I don't know how you can not worry about life, considering it's the only one you get.
2009-05-11 10:04 am
of course i get unhappy at times. im human. people who believe in god get unhappy too. why else would there bible insist on fellowship with one another. to hold each other up as a spiritual family. to say a theist is happier than an atheist is no more true than a drunk man is happier than a sober one. sometimes i feel peace, some times i dont. sometimes life throws hard balls and you just gotta live and learn and stay strong. when you understand why you dont believe in other gods youll understand why i dont believe in yours either. i do not fear death or being dead. i still have survival instincts, because i do cherish my life, but when my time comes, so be it. im more at peace knowing i wont go to heaven, and forget my loved ones who did not make it, or go to hell forever, then i would be if i believed in such things.
2009-05-12 1:17 pm
I honestly believe that I have more peace in my heart now than I did when I believed in the same god you currently do. I no longer have the shame, guilt, sense of failure if I missed mass or accidentally ate something on Good Friday. I don't feel the need to judge other people for not believing what I believe. I don't care if you accept Jesus in your life and don't feel sorry for you for your eternal damnation. And I am no longer embarrassed to believe in a book that was obviously edited thousands of times by power-hungry politicians and "holy men." It's light a weight lifted off my chest. I no longer have to accept all the inconsistencies and ridiculous explanations that I was forced to learn.

The best day of my life was the day I admitted I didn't believe in god.
2009-05-11 10:25 am
Oddly enough, my lack of belief in any gods is a great source of what you call true peace, because I know there's none of that judgment business to deal with, and no burning in hell for anyone. We just die, like broccoli or giraffes. I love the fact that there's nothing of this wishful thinking to cope with, it's fantastically peaceful.

As for why I don't believe in your Heavenly Father, it's just a matter of evidence and necessity. I don't think gods of any kind are necessary to explain the universe, and I believe the evidence of their existence is, well - non-existent.

Nevertheless, I think gods are positive influences in some people's lives, so peace to you in your faith.
2009-05-12 8:12 pm
I am a former born again and praised, worshipped and prayed to your God for 8 years and never saw, felt or heard anything in return so logically ...

I don't worry about the afterlife ... just this one I'm living. I am free of the guilt and fear that plagued me horribly as a Christian and am now happier than I've ever been =)

And as Muslims will tell you that Allah is the one true God ... why don't you believe in Him?
2009-05-14 6:06 pm
Of course. I have no reason not to be at peace with myself. A god isn't necessary for that...

I have no 'empty space' and my life, I'm 60, has been wonderfully fulfilled with a great wife and two kids... I'm not concerned about an afterlife. If there is one, I'll handle it when it arrives, but I have no reason to expect one, so why worry about it. BTW, what makes YOUR god the one and only?

If you can't understand that, I feel sorry for you that you can't just accept your life for what it is and enjoy it...
參考: IMHO
2009-05-14 6:02 pm
I believe in other Gods. I do acknowledge the existence of what you worship as God but for me Yahweh/Allah/On is a thoughtform a psychic creation of humans and not a real God. That doesn't mean you can't worship him or that I'll forbid you from doing so. But I personally won't worship him.
Finally, in my path and with the Gods I have harmony and peace, happiness and fun, spiritual advancement and enlightenment and I do not fear neither death, nor the Gods, nor any obstacle my life may bring forth.
I always like to find people who are happy in their paths no matter what they believe or not believe in. Are you happy, fulfilled and in peace? Then who cares what you worship and believe in or if you don't believe in any deity at all?
參考: An Eclectic Pagan Witch (me)
2009-05-13 8:28 pm
Yes, I am completely at peace in my heart. My life is quite full. I don't feel that anything is missing, though I still feel their might be room for more. It seems wrong sometimes to enjoy this beautiful life and family all to myself and I tend to collect people and animals and add them to my extended family. We hope to foster to adopt one day when our biological daughter is older and finally add another person or people officially.

Yes I am sometimes unhappy. I feel the entire range of human emotions in their time. Discontent is important. It prompts us to change what we don't like and to work for a greater good. I little pout can go a long way though.

I lack belief in gods for the same reason I lack belief in pixies. There is no evidence for, no need of, and no sense in such beliefs. I did not decide not to believe in your god any more than you decided not to believe in other gods. I just looked at the facts and knew gods were make believe.

You do not need to believe in Santa to enjoy celebrating winter holidays do you? Well, I don't need gods to celebrate everyday.

Yes, TRUE peace. I think ahead and I try not to sweat the small stuff, but nothing robs my peace of mind for long. I accept that I can only do so much and that my best has to be enough come what may. I do not fret at all about death. I am more concerned with living my life fully, which is one of the reasons I don't let things get me down or side track me too much. That is wasted energy that could be spent weeding a garden, doing a progect with my child or just enjoying the company of a friend.

I've been through plenty of tough times. I got through them just fine, thank you. I don't want your prayers or for you to condesend to me what you believe your imaginary friend wants. However, you seem a lovely person and I am pleased that you are happy as you are and think you very nice indeed to ask sincere questions of people different from yourself. Please have a lovely day.
2009-05-11 10:12 am
If you are a follower of the God of Abraham, we don't know if you are Jewish, Christian or Islamic, as all three faiths worship the same God - the God of Abraham. Many people do not know this. Having lived in Saudi Arabia for 3 years, I studied Islam with Islamics and got their teachings "from the horse's mouth" so to speak. I didn't rely on someone from a different faith to tell me about that faith. Mohammed himself studied Christianity for two years. More is written about Jesus, all good, in the Qua-ran than in the Bible. He is revered as a great man and prophet, second only to Mohammed himself. I happen to have been born into a Christian family. But one of my interests is learning about other faiths, from the source.

We as humans do not have an inkling into God as he/she is so much beyond anything we can dream of, it's impossible to say what is true/real and what isn't. Most faiths, not just the three I mentioned, have the same basic concept: basically the "golden rule." If one is doing the best they can within the faith they know, we may expect no more from them, nor should we. All of this is between God and that particular individual. It has nothing to do with us, as God has the final say, whatever name you wish to know God by.
參考: Took Torah classes in Jewish temple for a year. Was only Christian invited. Studied Islam in Saudi Arabia and have read the Qua-ran. In getting older, I have come to realize all faiths are a path to God. I have no problems with that. The more you learn, life gets easier.

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