英文Gramma 一問

2009-05-12 12:01 am
Different point of views can be generated from different cultures.
岩唔岩??? 我覺得好似怪怪地...
如果唔岩, 可以點改?

Train station is situated in the city centre. 岩唔岩??? 用PASSIVE岩唔岩???


"a low bus fare compared with the current bus can be charged to passengers. " 定係 "a lower bus fare compared with the current bus can be charged to passengers."

回答 (2)

2009-05-12 12:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
Different point of views can be generated from different cultures.
This sentense has a little bit problem!
Different point of views can be generated from different cultures.
You should change it like this:
Different people has different thought of/on different cultures.

Different people have different idea on/of different cultures.
Different countries will have different opinion on/of different cultures.
Different places will give different(not the same) opinion on/of different cultures.

Hope I can help you!!!

2009-05-11 17:02:17 補充:
Train station is situated in the city centre.

This sentense is correct but you should add a,an or the!

The train station is situated in the city centre.

A train station is situated in the city centre.

2009-05-11 17:04:55 補充:
"A lower bus fare compared with the current bus can be charged to passengers."is better.

Reason: You are comparing things so we use Comparative but not Positive.

If you wish to use low in the sentense,you can use it like that:

"A low bus fare can be charged more to passengers than the current bus."

2009-05-11 17:05:41 補充:
Hope I can help you!!! ^_^
參考: Brain, Brain, Brain
2009-05-12 12:33 am
Different point of views can be generated from different cultures.文法,意思都啱,係被動式(passive voice).
A/ The train station is situated in the city centre.係被動式,除左漏左個冠詞(article:an/a/the),其他都啱.

2009-05-11 16:37:43 補充:
"a lower bus fare compared with the current bus' can be charged to passengers." 呢句啱d,因為compare有比較意思,但要加'喺bus後面.因為車費同車費比,唔係巴士比

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