To fill in out???

2009-05-11 10:42 pm
( It's because I've got these incredible boobs to fill in out. )

The above sentence I just wrote from a movie ( thirteen going on thirty ) 以上句子我只是抄一套電影 ( 女孩夢三十 ) 電影的中文解釋 : 是因為我乳房夠大, 而上文: A small girl said : I like your dress. A leading role 就這樣說 : It's becaus.....我想問 It's because...文化有沒有錯...還有什麼句子可以用 to fill in out??
Thank you somebody respond my answer...I'd be grateful....

對不起主題我打錯了, 應是 To fill it out??電影的中文解釋 : 之前我打漏了, 應該 : ( 是因為我的胸部夠大,正適合穿這個 ),前文是,A small girl said : I like your dress.詳盡前文如下..女主角在 elevator 遇見小女孩的對答: A 代表女主角.. B 代表小女孩..


A: I'm Jenna, by the way..----B: Yean I know, I'm Becky..----A: How old are you, anyway?----B: Thirteen..----A; Me too..-----B: Un....-----A: Use to be..----B: Why are you talking to me?----- A: Why not? We are neigbors, right?-----


B: But you usually ignore me. -----A: I like your shoes..B: Thinks..I like your dress-----A: It's because I've got these incredible boobs to fill it out.----


我是問整句 Grammar有沒有錯( It's because I've got these incredible boobs to fill it out. )..可能我打得差 I'm so Sorry...還有 To fill it out 可以在其他句子用到嗎? 對不起 鄰居打錯了,( neighbors )

回答 (2)

2009-05-12 12:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
"out"好似中文嘅助語詞咁,又可以用做副詞,例句: the truth is out there
fill in係指填充,phrasal verb(短語).因為冇前文,照字面解:係因為我有這對傲人雙峰來填充......可能係自尊心之類嘅嘢.
It's because係"因為"咁解,喺口語裏面,所以用左簡寫.文法冇錯.好似"Because"係連接詞,唔可以開句,所以用It's because,個it係指之前提過嘅一件事.

2009-05-12 13:31:47 補充:
-----A: Used to be B: Thinks(thinking?thanks?)呢句唔啱,唔知你打錯字定乜
2009-05-12 10:23 am


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