English question, please help?

2009-05-11 4:59 am
What's the meaning of "a great deal"?
How do you use it in a sentence, can you please some examples :)))
learning English, thanks!

回答 (10)

2009-05-11 5:03 am
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When something is "a big deal" it means that something is important.

For example:

In my family, having dinner together is a big deal.
(Having dinner together is important to my family)
2009-05-11 5:06 am
I bought the car because it was a great deal. (Meaning it was a good price or value)

He had a great deal more money than me. (Meaning he had much more money than me)
2009-05-11 5:25 am
Jesus blood, mercy, and love was a great deal for me.

It makes no sense to me that He would pay such a horrific price for me.

I have so little to offer Him in return.

I think He got the short end of the stick.
2009-05-11 5:11 am
In the sense of finding a good bargain or trade:
"Getting that new laptop for $200 was a great deal."

In the sense of "more" in direct comparison:
"That laptop costs a great deal more than this one."

In the sense of "very much" or "a lot" in indirect comparison:
"I desperately needed a laptop, and it means a great deal to me that you gave one to me as a gift."

In the sense of a good hand in poker:
"You were dealt two kings and three aces? That's a great deal!"

(that last one was kind of a joke, but it still works)
2009-05-11 5:04 am
It can be used more than one way.
1. That's a great deal of cocaine you have there. (meaning a large amount)
2. That's a great deal for all that cocaine. (meaning a good price or business arrangement).
2009-05-11 5:34 am
I can think of three meanings for this phrase.

- 1 - When bartering or bargaining (also called dealing), one sometimes has an advantage in the settlement. For instance, when buying paying a price that is very low for a product, or when selling receiving an offer considered more than expected. You have made "a great deal".

For instance, in the USA some merchants (most automobile sales companies, and some other companies) will negotiate the price, and it is possible each customer will pay something different. The merchants are called dealerships.

"I have made a great deal on this new motorcycle!"

- 2 - In card games, one person is designated to pass out the cards (the dealer). If a player receives a particularly good set of cards it can be a "good hand" or even "a great deal".

"Wow, that last hand was a great deal!"

- 3 - It is sometimes an expression used by people to mean 'much of' in a favorable situation, as in "I make a great deal of money" or "I have received a great deal of offers". I don't think this last expression is as common as it used to be.
2009-05-11 5:06 am
It can be used in one of two ways. The first is in the economic sense, meaning like you got a good price for an item.
i.e. if you were to find a useful book at a store for $2, someone would say you got a great deal on that purchase.
The second meaning is used to measure quantity, usually of intangible things such as feelings and emotions.
i.e. you could say I have a great deal of confidence, or that I care a great deal about my sister.
2009-05-11 5:04 am
The Nazis genocide of the Jews played a GREAT DEAL in world war two.
2009-05-11 5:04 am
Usually it means "many."

She has a great deal of friends.

This is simple. It won't take a great deal of time to figure it out.

I invested a great deal of money in Walmart stock.

Of course, it can also mean "a bargain."

You bought a new car for $10,000? That was a great deal.
2009-05-11 5:03 am
can you use it in a sentence? for example, "that helped a great deal" would mean "that helped a lot"... basically i think it means "a lot"

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