LET'S DEAL 個售貨員同我咁講. 佢係唔係講粗口架

2009-05-10 9:12 pm
佢係唔係對我講 粗口 架 ?

回答 (3)

2009-05-10 10:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
如果你係咁認為嘅,你真係抵 deal 囉!
2009-05-10 9:37 pm
Apparently not.

Let's deal - 交易 / 成交

When you're purchasing a product, I mean it's like a trade right? You give out your money and you gain something, which is, in this case probably a product. Like a 交易. And when both of you, the seller and the customer concur with the trading then it's a 成交, deal.

Let's deal. 成交

Well only if you subconsciously "translate" that sound -deal- in the Chinese swear word -diu-. But in English there's no such word as "diu". Even if the seller accidentally blurts out "Let's d**", for a native English dude that phrase will subconsciously turn out as "Let's deal."

Since the English word "deal" and the Chinese swear word "di*" sounds quite similar, I believe a "service-dude" will never cuss at his customers.

2009-05-10 13:38:54 補充:
Well basically, he was not cussing at you.
2009-05-10 9:19 pm
Of course not. The sales is telling you that your buying is OK. That
is he sells his product to you and you satisfy with the product and the price.

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