
2009-05-10 12:10 pm
A college dormitory houses 210 students. This Fall, rooms are available for 76 freshmen. On the average,95% of those freshmen who request room applications actually reserve a room.How many room applications should the college send out if it wants to receive 76 reservations? Ans:80

As a fringe benefit for its employees, a company established a vision-care plan. Under this plan, each year the company will pay the first $35 of an employee's vision-care expenses and 80% of all additional vision-care expenses, up to a maximum total benefit payment of $100. For an employee, find the total annual vision-care expenses covered by this program. Ans:116.25

The inventor of a new toy offers the Kiddy Toy Company exclusive rights to manufacture and sell the toy for a lump-sum payment of $25,000.After estimating that future sales possibilities beyond one year are nonexistent, the company management is reviewing an alternative proposal to five a lump-sum payment of $2000 plus a royalty of $0.50 for each unit sold.How many units must be sold the first year to make this alternative as economically attractive to the inventor as the original request?[Hint:Determine when the incomes under both proposals are the same. ] Ans: 4600

A land investment company purchased a parcel of land for $7200. After having sold all but 20 acres at aprofit of $30 per acre over the original cost per acre, the company regained the entire cost of the parcel. How many acres were sold? Ans:60

我計5到佢地ge ans~~ plz...help

回答 (4)

2009-05-10 9:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Let n be the number of applications that the college should send out.

(95%)n = 76
n = 80

Ans: The college should send out 80 applications.

Let $y be the total annual vision-care expenses covered by this program.

35 + (y - 35)(80%) = 100
(y - 35)(80%) = 65
y - 35 = 81.25
y = 116.25

Ans: The total annual vision-care expenses cover by this program is $116.25.

Let n the number of units that must be sold.

2000 + 0.5n = 25000
0.5n = 23000
n = 46000

Ans: 46000 units must be sold.

(The given answer is incorrect. If the royalty was amended to $5 for each unit sold, the answer would then be 4600.)

Let n be the number of acres sold.
Then, the total number of acres = n + 20
and the cost of each acres = $7200/(n + 20)

n[7200/(n + 20) + 30] = 7200
n(n + 20)[7200/(n + 20) + 30] = 7200(n + 20)
7200n + 30n(n + 20) = 7200n + 144000
7200n + 30n2 + 600n = 7200n + 14400
30n2 + 600n - 144000 = 0
n2 + 20n - 4800 = 0
(n - 60)(n + 80) = 0
n = 60 or n = -80 (rejected)

Ans: 60 acres were sold.
2009-05-16 11:19 am
投票者未必係無良,可能係 Yahoo 先彈出 002 答案,有人見到答得唔錯,所以投佢一票姐。

問題焦點是一個人(真係人?),可以抄完人地既答案後,居然話係參考自己 so_cutewell。咁無齒真係好難做得出嫁。
2009-05-16 9:14 am
002 (so_cutewell) 答案分明「一字不漏」、「一字不改」的「copy and paste」 001 (老爺子) 的答案,但居然有這麼多人投 002 的票,而且還包括兩個知識長。真係咁無良?
2009-05-11 1:19 am
Let n be the number of applications that the college should send out.

(95%)n = 76
n = 80

Ans: The college should send out 80 applications.

Let $y be the total annual vision-care expenses covered by this program.

35 + (y - 35)(80%) = 100
(y - 35)(80%) = 65
y - 35 = 81.25
y = 116.25

Ans: The total annual vision-care expenses cover by this program is $116.25.

Let n the number of units that must be sold.

2000 + 0.5n = 25000
0.5n = 23000
n = 46000

Ans: 46000 units must be sold.

(The given answer is incorrect. If the royalty was amended to $5 for each unit sold, the answer would then be 4600.)

Let n be the number of acres sold.
Then, the total number of acres = n + 20
and the cost of each acres = $7200/(n + 20)

n[7200/(n + 20) + 30] = 7200
n(n + 20)[7200/(n + 20) + 30] = 7200(n + 20)
7200n + 30n(n + 20) = 7200n + 144000
7200n + 30n2 + 600n = 7200n + 14400
30n2 + 600n - 144000 = 0
n2 + 20n - 4800 = 0
(n - 60)(n + 80) = 0
n = 60 or n = -80 (rejected)

Ans: 60 acres were sold.

2009-05-16 20:51:43 補充:
參考: so_cutewell@.@

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