2009-05-10 11:26 am
1. HKAS 同 HKFRS 有咩分別呢?

其實是否一樣, 只是名轉左, 以前叫 HKAS, 後來轉左 HKFRS, 所以以後唔會有新的 HKAS, 停在 HKAS 41, 新出的以後都係 HKFRS?

2. 點解係 HKAS 1, 2, 7, 8, 10......., 無左 3, 4, 5.....呢?

回答 (2)

2009-05-15 5:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
Q1. HKAS 同 HKFRS 有咩分別呢? 新出的以後都係 HKFRS?
A1. HKFRS (Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards) is a collective name. It includes HKAS (Hong Kong Accounting Standards), HKFRS and interpretations. You are correct that if it is necessary to issue a new accounting standard, then it will be HKFRS. HKAS still exist, and subject to minor amendments when necessary. 所以以後唔會有新的 HKAS, 停在 HKAS 41, 新出的以後都係 HKFRS --> YES
You have to know the background of the accounting standards in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA) decided to follow the International Accounting Standard Boards (IASB). HKAS and HKFRS are almost the same as IAS (International Accounting Standards) and IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards). The benefit is that the reports of companies from different countries will then be comparable as they are using the same standards.
2. 點解係 HKAS 1, 2, 7, 8, 10......., 無左 3, 4, 5.....呢?
Those missing HKAS have been withdrawn or superceded by the new HKFRS!
2009-05-10 6:58 pm
HKAS = Hong Kong Auditing Standards
HKFRS = Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards
Two different issues. Some of the HKAS have been abandoned or abolished.

2009-05-10 19:56:37 補充:
Yes. It is a new title for the old one. HKFRS will only be used in line with the international approach.

2009-05-10 20:03:35 補充:
HKFRS includes ALL HKFRS, Hong Kong Accounting Standards (HKAS), Statements of Standard Accounting Practice (SSAP), and Interpretations.

2009-05-10 20:04:53 補充:
More information in

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