
2009-05-10 7:05 am

回答 (5)

2009-05-10 11:52 am
✔ 最佳答案

I know I always drew you all types of agitation in the old days.
Now that you have reached a new peaceful horizon,
and you will no more disturbed by agitation from the external world!

I know I should not disturb your peaceful life,
while at the same time I am wondering if I were given the choice once more,
I truly wish you had never left me!
參考: Myself
2009-05-12 2:57 am
'...will no more disturbed... ' if changed to '...will no more be disturbed...' is even better.
2009-05-10 5:23 pm
baggio's answer is very good!
2009-05-10 8:25 am
I once kept bringing you different types of disturbance but you have arrived at a new place of transquility without any disturbance from outside. I don't want to disturb your transquil life. If you can give me one more chance,I do hope you will not leave me.
2009-05-10 7:22 am
My old self always gave you kinds of disturbance, now you have reached a quiet new place, which is free of disturbance outside. I do not want to disturb your quiet life, but really wish that you did not leave me, if I can be offered another choice.

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