
2009-05-08 10:18 pm
1. I could have a stunt bottom (點解?)
2. sort it out 同figure it out 是否同意思?
3. sort of 可否解作"差不多"

回答 (3)

2009-05-09 1:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. I could have a stunt bottom.
stunt bottom 即係特技替身

2. sort it out 同figure it out 是否同意思?
個人理解係唔一樣.. sort it out 意思係將事情或者事物重新整理, 排列咁.. (ex) Look at your desk! What a big mess.. you should take some time and sort it out.
而 figure it out 係指理解件事, 尋求明白咁.. (ex) If you don't understand what it means, try to figure it out yourself.

3) sort of 可否解作"差不多"
可以.. 同kind of 一樣.
2009-05-09 2:36 am
Stunt bottom=替身
I could have a stunt bottom = 我可以有個替身

sort it out 同figure it out 係同意思

sort of 可以解作"差不多
參考: 我
2009-05-08 10:36 pm
Stunt bottom=替身
I could have a stunt bottom = 我可以有個替身

2. 係, sort it out 同figure it out 是同意思

3. sort of 可以解作"差不多

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