2009-05-08 8:01 pm
net use 入面用 ip address 就可以map 到 drive, 但如果用 computer name 就會出左 error 53.
例如 :
computer name : abc
ip address :
c: shared name : cdrive
administrator password : xyz

打 command
net use \\abc\cdrive /user: administrator xyz <----- 出 error 53
net use \\\cdrive /user:administrator xyz <--- 完全無問題.

有無人知點解, 同埋可以點fix 用返 computer name.
因為要用 batch file 加 parameter copy file 去好多部機.

回答 (1)

2009-05-09 7:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
Usually Error 53 means the destination is not found, for example, when you execute
net use \\anyname
net use \\anyIPaddress
System will respond with error 53 when the destination is not recognized.

When you execute net use with the IP address, it goes directly to find the computer, and has a better chance than typing the computer name which requires the name resolution (i.e. translation of computer name to an IP address) through the DNS or WINS service. The translation does not usually cause a problem for computers on the same subnet, but DNS or WINS could cause problems when the destination is outside of the subnet.
Confirm that the destinations having problems are outside of the local subnet.
To identify the problem, you can
1. do a ping to the ip address to confirm that the address is active.
2. do a ping to the computer name and hence find out the IP address of the destination computer.
3. do a net view \\ip_address to see if the resources you are asking for is available.
If you come across the problem of DNS not translating the computer names to IP addresses, you can try updating the hosts file (on XP, it is usually found in \Windows\System32\Drivers\etc).
Add entries, one line per computer, to the hosts file, then net use or ping will be able to find those computers that you have added. This means that the hosts file supplements the DNS service.
See for more information on the hosts file.

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