英文句子 說法

2009-05-08 2:30 pm
請問 想同果個人一齊影一張相點講
我想要這種顏色的木 點講(種顏色我唔知叫咩名)



回答 (5)

2009-05-08 6:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1 想同你一齊影一張相
May I take a picture together with you?(唔熟,禮貌d)或
Let's take a picture together(朋友)
2 同你影一張相
I want to take you a picture(朋友)
May I take you a picture?(禮貌)
3 I want the colour of the wood(你可以問埋佢地點叫呢隻色: which colour should it be called?)同顏色有關嘅行業係有色卡,會有個編號,或通用嘅名.
香港電台第2台節目:english everywhere,星期六晚9點至9點半.
2009-05-10 5:24 am
想同果個人一齊影一張相點講 = May/Can I take a picture with him/her/Mr XX/Miss XXX?
想同佢影一張相又點講 = May/Can I take a picture with you?
我想要這種顏色的木 = May/Can I have this coloured wood?
if u don't know the colour in English, u can take the sample to ask.
I don't have 網係教日常生活句子, I just learned from some kids' storybook and kids' channel. good luck!
參考: living in usa
2009-05-08 11:01 pm


Should I take a photo with her / him please, if you don't mind?

Could I take a photo with you please if you don't mind?

我想要這種顏色的木 點講
Could you please give me the wooden of this colour
(Bold type is the answer)
其實你可以聽多d收音機 (英文台) or 睇多d電視 (英文台), 例如: 新聞報導。 一來可以學多些英文 及 聽多些對你都有幫助的!!

參考: myself experience
2009-05-08 4:56 pm
1. 請問 想同果個人一齊影一張相點講
I would like to take a picture with him.

我覺得(1)同(2)都差不多... 可能你可以摻考下面呢句...
e.g. 我想同你影一張相
Can I have a picture taken with you?
Shall we take a picture together?

3.我想要這種顏色的木 點講(種顏色我唔知叫咩名)
Can I have the black piece of wood please.

Hope it helps... =)
2009-05-08 3:35 pm
Shall we have a picture taken together?

Let me take a picture for you, smile !

I'd like the wood to be of XYZ color please.

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