
2009-05-08 6:30 am
我老公去年離職時要三個月通知期 or 三個月代通知金,他新公司肯幫他比一個月代通知金,我老公就自己比o左一個月代通知金及一個月通知期才離職




回答 (2)

2009-05-11 3:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
It is a logical reasoning that the new employment will give very better terms than the old one and, in particular, the new salary as offered. Salary in lieu of notice is not tax-deductible. The 3 months' salary that he gave to his old employer is a contractual obligation binding both parties as under the employment contract.
The subsidy for the 1-month's salary in lieu of notice given by the new employer is regarded as an income to the employee irrespective when the subsidy is received.
All and all, the net 2 months' salary he paid to his previous employer is the opportunity cost for switching to this new and better job.
2009-05-08 6:46 am

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