
2009-05-08 3:25 am
著波衫如果襯其他牌子的波褲+襪會唔會好怪= =
例如nike 曼聯波衫+umbro褲+adidas 襪= =

回答 (3)

2009-05-09 1:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
見仁見智啦,其實最緊要自己睇法,自己覺得好睇就得。我地班波友成日都皇馬衫襯車路士褲,Umbro 襪加Nike boot,冇人覺得有乜唔妥,襯就可以了。當然有人會覺得至少波衫波衭要同一牌子,甚至來自同一隊 (例如曼聯波衫波衭)。但又何必因為別人的喜好而改變自己? I am who I am. Fashion是突顯個人品味及風格的啊!


2009-05-09 9:08 am

I found this question quite amusing!

I think it really doesn't matter how you match your shirt and jersey.

For myself since I am a captive fans of Italy, I always were white jersey to go with their national uniform.
2009-05-08 3:28 am
Manchester united(AIG)
Man utd褲
Man utd襪(番版平D)

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