US student visa to Touristvisa

2009-05-08 12:08 am
I am study in US by using a student visa now, and the expiry date is June 17, However, i wanna stay in LA until August ~~~

so i bought the flight ticket to go to Canada to travel from 18May-25May ~~~and then wanna go back to LA on May25 by using tourist visa~~~

do anyone know that i can change my student visa into tourist visa like that?


回答 (3)

2009-05-08 1:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
No way you can make it work.

Your passport is recorded when you use it.

Unless you have another passport which is totally not related (not HKSAR and BN(O)), they can match your information.

Remember, when you do this, you will have the possibility facing immigration ban.

2009-05-08 08:36:54 補充:
It does not matter.

CBP can't reject your entry at Canada. So don't risk it.

Unless you convert your status before you go.
2009-05-08 7:19 am
Should be no problem.

Just let immigration officer know that you are entering with your B1/B2 visa instead of F1 and you will leave in August...

2009-05-08 12:19 am
應該唔得。首先﹐如果你持有加拿大護照﹐係係唔須要tourist visa 入美國境的。如果係中國護照﹐tourist visa 要係入境前伸請左先。

你五月25 返美國只可以用翻 student visa 入境﹐即係 same expiry date (June 17)。

你學後應該有 Office for International Students﹐ 去問佢地清楚 d 啦。

2009-05-08 10:44:07 補充:
如果你入境用 student visa, 就跟 student visa 個 expiry date; 如果用 tourist visa, 就跟 tourist visa 個 expiry date。 不過兩個 visa 係無得 convert/change 既。

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