2009-05-07 10:51 pm
70% of students->believed<- that current transports provided ->are<- insufficient but others disagreed with this point.

可唔可以believe用past tense, 後面的clause用present tense?
因為我要用黎describe個research data, 所以believe應該要用past tense...

但係個Condition 係current, 用past tense 得唔得GA?


我覺得present tense唔係咁好, 因為呢個係research results, 已經做左.

回答 (2)

2009-05-08 12:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
Your tense is not wrong but I think that you should change it to

present is more better!!!

"70% of students believed that current transports provided were

insufficient but others disagreed with this point."

OR ,

"70% of students believe that current transports provided are

insufficient but others disagreed with this point."

Hope I can help you!!! ^_^
參考: Brain
2009-05-07 11:08 pm
Your grammar is correct, because it is a report telling information you have reseached, therefore u should use past tense.
Using past or present tense is depended on what your sentence is about, but in a report, usually written in past tense.
參考: me + word document

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