這牌子可靠嗎 ?
有冇干擾 ?
暢順嗎 ?
mouse click 嘈嗎 ?
睇見啲回應都覺得好好笑 ! 1) 無心答就唔好答,以下回應之人仕分明只是為了找機會發洩、破口大駡,非文雅之人。(esp. edmond_1st) 2) 我只是想找找有沒有人用過 Hyundai 這品牌生產的 mouse.
Mouse 有波波 mouse (no market, I believed), optical mouse, bluetooth mouse, the latest one is laser mouse, all with wired and wirelss, Logitech wirelss laser mouse with 2.4GHz wireless receiver is selling at $39x in the market. 值唔值,見人見智。 本人對今次之回應,大開眼界。