
2009-05-07 7:10 pm
In your research of China's position, identify at least 5 main arguments used by the Chinese to justify their invasion and continued occupation of Tibet and their extremely negative opinion of the Dalai Gang".

俾5個arguments我...最好有中同英...thank you

To yhtong2005 : EXCUSE YOU...呢個Topic係我professor出既...我宜家係想問下其他人既idea...我宜家係搵人幫我解決難題...唔係要人反過黎問返我..如果你咁想知就自己出條問題問人...唔係答就唔好回答案...我對呢條問題一D意見都冇...我只係做功課姐.... Seedeeyee 就明白事理....yes..this question只係for功課...成40分傢!!!

回答 (5)

2009-05-08 7:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
I consider the question to be an academic one and I am just trying to help you to find the information for your uni work.

You can find the history of Tibet and the related events with our PRC government, from the following materials, written in Chinese and English; and you should find some arguments to prepare you academic reports.

There are always different views on either side of a coin, and you just do what your Professor requested (who is probably not a Chinese), finish your school work and score marks. Better forget temporarily your political standings, if any.

Hope can help you.
參考: wiki
2009-05-09 12:50 am
低能架?問人野人地好心答你你仲話人地唔O岩,咩EXCUSE YOU呀?英文都未讀好,學咩人話人呀!頂,仲好意思話自己係UNDERGRAD?asso都比多你啦!40分好大咩?唔該諗下自己咩立場先啦!

仲有西藏一向都係中國一部份,中國點可以invade佢自己既領土?唔識可以去library搵下history書!唔好係度"totally not have any idea"就大哂!
2009-05-08 7:00 am
According to your rationale, can you also give me another 5 main arguments used by the White American to justify their invasion and continued occupation of North America (which should belong to the Red Indians) and their extremely negative opinion of the native Red Indians.

2009-05-08 08:49:34 補充:
To : cmys88:

I wonder how an undergraduate in HK can use the term "EXCUSE YOU" which is very offensive and impolite.

2009-05-08 08:50:45 補充:
Being an undergraduate, you should know that your question itself is very controversial and sensitive. If this is the topic set by your professor, you should state clearly that the required information is for your academic purpose to avoid misunderstanding.

2009-05-08 08:53:25 補充:
Moreover, your requested manner should be more humble. But obviously, you simply quote the question set by your professor and then put it on the internet.

2009-05-08 08:54:03 補充:
As a result, the question itself appears to be a command given to a subordinate. Seedeeyee is really very nice as despite the aforesaid, he/she is so kind to assist.

2009-05-08 08:54:59 補充:
I really want to know which is your university.
2009-05-08 5:37 am
I am Chinese but i am studying college in US....and my professor asked us the write the above topic...I totally do not have any idea.

2009-05-09 01:34:00 補充:
You know what...I wanna say sry to yhtong2005. At that time I was struggling in my stupid homework and it was urgent! Of coz i know Tibet is a part of China, that's why I cannot find any points to support that China has invaded Tibet..

2009-05-09 01:36:18 補充:
i can only say the reaons why China should free Tibet, but I totally disagree with it. By the way, I am neither studying in HK nor a university. 所以我個prof.先可以出埋d咁既冇理問題...her question is like 一口咬定係china invaded tibet instead of 問我地意見...

2009-05-09 01:41:16 補充:
40分好多傢...totally 可以影響個grade...洗唔洗又講哂頂,低能咁??
2009-05-08 1:18 am
Your question is wrongly put, the Chinese did not invade Tibet at all.
Unless your question is set right, no Chinese will answer such a question.
First of all, are you Chinses? If you are, how can you ask such a question after all?

2009-05-07 17:26:50 補充:
All Chinese consider Tibet to be part of China. How can China invade its own territory after all?
But if you are not Chinese, then your question will make sense. But in that case, your will be considered to be supporting Tibet against China. You are taking side.

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