Two questions

2009-05-07 6:58 pm
Q1.How to save endangered species?

Q2.What are the causes of species extinction?

Please answer the question in the selection of Chinese and English.


回答 (2)

2009-05-09 12:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
Q1.How to save endangered species?

1. Protect the Environment - People can protect the environment by 4Rs, which are Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Regeneration.
2. Avoid Global Warming - Global temperates has a close relation with the lives of endangered species. Every year there are thousands of species die of global warmings. Change in temperatures and humidity would damage their habitats, causing their extinction.
3. Protect the forests - by re-planting trees, conserving natural environment, avoid hill fires, reduce the use of paper, waste of timber, etc.
4. Reduce pollutions - water pollution toxic the animals in the sea, air pollution kill forests by acid rains, etc.
Q2.What are the causes of species extinction?
1. Species die of global warmings. When more and more carbon dioxide are produced, more heat are trapped in the atmosphere. Emission of gases such as carbon dioxide, sulpur dioxide etc accelerate the greenhouse effect. Deforestation - more people consume the wood-products e.g. paper, timber, etc. Trees can absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. Lack of trees thus increase greenhouse effect. The global temperate has a close relation with the lives of species. Species die of global warmings.
2. Human activities eg overfishing, reclamation, mining, deforestation, pollutions, etc.
2009-05-07 11:08 pm
Q1.How to save endangered species?
1. Education - Teach the people not to kill and try to protect the endangered species

2. Law - Set and enforce the regulation for stopping the people to hunt the endangered species

Q2.What are the causes of species extinction?

1. The price of the rare animals is very high, the people will kill them for getting the money
2. The pollution problem make the species extinction.

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