who ever is chinese and from china please anwser?

2009-05-06 7:52 pm
i am engaged to a chinese man. we are in the U.S. i am american. i am not sure of his traditions. i know chinese have lots of traditions but do not know any of them for engagement and stuff like that. his mother is still in china. i know she keeps bugging him to get me checked for caring a child. i have some problems with my health so i guess that is why. but if you can help me please do so

回答 (4)

2009-05-10 2:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
if you are going to live in the US -- don't bother caring for Chinese traditions...

if you are going to live in China -- well, i'm not that cruel to upset you beforehand...
2009-05-06 8:14 pm
There are no traditional ways to determine if you are capable of bearing children as that would have to be done using modern medicine.

However his family will be extra nervous if you have health issues as children in a culture that includes ancestor worship and also has no form of social security to support older people beyond the care their children give them are very important for obvious reasons.

Look, he loves you or you wouldn't be engaged and if you have problems there is fertility treatment or adoption. Neither is easy or cheap but they are there as alternative options...

Dont worry, everyones family butts their nose in and makes you crazy... LOL at least distance in this case will make it easier for you...

As far as other types of traditions involving engagement or marriage etc well most people in China these days get married in a very modern style and its becoming big bucks/business there. If you still wanted to add some quaint old school tidbits of tradition to the ceremony though you will have to get specific about where his family comes from as china is far more diverse than most Westerners think and each area has very different traditions.

Your best bet on that might be to find out if he has female relatives or friends you can talk to or just ask him...

Good luck and congratulations..
參考: Im not Chinese but I have been many times for work and Im in love w a Chinese girl in China... Now I just need a VISA for her... BTW she doesn't care about Chinese traditions in a wedding she just wants to get married at the beach...
2009-05-06 8:24 pm
Chinese traditions for engagement: the man typically presents presents and gifts to the woman's family to ask for their permission. By accepting the gifts (which includes money, tea leaves and dried foods), the woman's family grants him permission to marry their daughter. Then, the man's family will ask for the woman's birth date and time and a fortune teller will try to find a wedding date that is best for the new couple. Typically, a woman's likelihood to carry sons is determined by if she's from a big family herself and if she seems healthy for childbirth (ie. no medical problems that would make it hard for her to get pregnant and give birth).

I do know that many Chinese families nowadays will ask the new couple to go for blood tests and medical exams prior to getting married. This is to make sure if the new couple should become pregnant, the chances of genetic problems or birth complications is nil. My sister and her husband had to get blood tests and medical exams done prior to their wedding.
2009-05-06 8:01 pm
if you really love him it wont matter if u are from USA and he is from china they do have a ALOT of traditions so go to this webs pages


Chinese Wedding Traditions - Marriage Customs.


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