What is 2/7 divided by 3/7 ? how do you work this out on a calculator?

2009-05-06 5:07 pm
and the written method? Thanks

回答 (9)

2009-05-06 5:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2/7 ÷ 3/7
= 2/7 * 7/3
= (2 * 7)/(7 * 3)
= 2/3
2009-05-06 5:16 pm
dividing fractions: leave, change, flip.

leave 2/7

change divide to multiply

flip 3/7 to 7/3

(2/7) x (7/3) = 14/21 = 2/3

seriously, something like this doesn't need to be done on a calculator.
2009-05-06 5:13 pm
2/7 / 3/7
= 2/7 * 7/3
= 2/3

If you want the result in fraction, then I guess you need a calculator that will do fractions. (not all calc does)

if you just type 2/7/(3/7), you get a decimal number of 0.666..
2009-05-06 5:12 pm
2/7 divided by 3/7

we just multiply by the reciprocal of the other term

2/7 x 7/3

7 cancels out

and the answer is just 2/3
2009-05-06 5:12 pm
2/7 divided by 3/7 is 2/7 x 7/3 = 2/3
or type (2/7)/(3/7) into calculator
2016-12-17 11:56 pm
7 2 3 2
2015-08-18 6:10 pm
This Site Might Help You.

What is 2/7 divided by 3/7 ? how do you work this out on a calculator?
and the written method? Thanks
參考: 2 7 divided 3 7 work calculator: https://shortly.im/HlcwU
2015-03-19 10:21 am
2/7 + 3/7 =
2009-05-06 5:23 pm
Just swap the 3/7 around to get 7/3
then do
2/7 X 7/3
which equals 2/3.
2009-05-06 5:14 pm
(2/7)/(3/7)=(2/7)x(7/3)=2/3 =0.666
on calculator u can first calculate 2/7 and 3/7 separately and then divide the two obtained answers.

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