
2009-05-07 6:22 am
Recenlty,Mexico was erupt swine flu of pandemic .World Health Organization(WHO) was issue warning of swine flu.In addition that had been lift warn level to four for could become a global epidemic .Mexican health workers test have confirmed more than one hunred case was infect and death .Athority have been isoate people of have swine flu strain for preventing epidemic of eruption.WHO urged global country make perform of defense from swine flu.


回答 (4)

2009-05-07 7:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
Recenlty,Mexico was erupt swine flu of pandemic .
was erupt - erupt 係動詞, 如果係被動式was / were 後面的動詞係erupted, 即was / were erupted, 而用被動式在這句子中係唔正確的。
pandemic係形容詞, 用法係形容一啲嘢, 你在句子裏係當佢係名詞咁用, 是不正確的。
這個句子, 你係用chinese-english直譯寫成英文, 寫法唔通。
可改寫成 :
Recently, Mexico has an outbreak of a new kind of pandemic disease called swine flu.

The World Health Organization(WHO) issued the warning of swine flu.
World Health Organization一定要有 "The"在前面。
如果用 "was issue"都係用錯文法, 解釋和 "was erupt"一樣。

In addition that had been lift warn level to four for could become a global epidemic .
改寫成 :
In addition, the WHO has raised the warning level from four to level five because the epidemic have the chance to be globalized.

這句唔明你意思, 所以幫你改寫唔倒。
Mexican health workers test have confirmed more than one hunred case was infect and death .

Authority have been isoate people of have swine flu strain for preventing epidemic of eruption.
"authority"係唔會被隔離, 係 "people"被人隔離, 你又用錯被動式 "have been isolated", 被動式又欠過去分詞 "isolated"。
可寫成 :
People have been isolated by the authority for prevention of the spread of swine flu.

WHO urged global country make perform of defense from swine flu.
"make" 和 "perform" 都係動詞, "country" 要複數, 因有很多個國家。
改寫為 :
The WHO urged global countries to contain the spread of swine flu.
2009-05-07 11:36 pm


2009-05-07 7:27 am
I have tried to amend your essay as follows:-

Recently, swine flu of pandemic has been widely spread in Mexico. In order to alert all countries that the swine flue may become a global problem, the World Health Organization (WHO) issued the Level 4 warning of the swine flu. Later on, many other countries also reported to have discovered confirmed swine flu cases. Eventually, the Level 4 warning of the swine flu has been raised to Level 5. .Mexican medical authorities reported that more than one hundred confirmed infection with fatality cases have been found. Authorities concerned have made arrangement to isolate those are infected or suspected to be infected of swine flu with a view to preventing further spread of the disease. The World Health Organization (WHO) has appealed to all countries for taking up stringent preventive measures.
2009-05-07 6:54 am
Recenlty,Mexico was erupt swine flu of pandemic .World Health Organization(WHO) was issued warning of swine flu.In addition that had been lift warn level to four for could become a global epidemic .Mexican health workers test had confirmed more than one hunred case was infect and death .Athority had been isoate people of have swine flu strain for preventing epidemic of eruption.WHO urged global country make perform of defense from swine flu

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