英文數學問題 4

2009-05-07 1:59 am
An empty rectangular water tank measures 50 cm long,40 cm wide and 45cm high . If 20 L of water is poured in. What is the depth of water?

回答 (2)

2009-05-07 2:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
20 L=20x1000
The depth of water=20000/(50x40)
2009-05-07 6:39 am
An empty rectangular water tank measures 50 cm long,40 cm wide and 45cm high . If 20 L of water is poured in. What is the depth of water?

volume of water:20 L= 20x1000
volume of water tank:50x40x45
depth of water: volume of water tank/volume of water

the depth of water is 4.5cm
參考: myself (not so sure of the answer)

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 16:36:16
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