runescape member 點樣賺錢最快?

2009-05-07 1:34 am
我就黎要做member。但係由於係第一次做,所以人生地不熟,但係又想快D賺錢,最好既方法係咩?如果係free world 度可以升既level 而係member world 會賺大錢既話,o甘我應該升o的乜? (中英回答皆接受)

回答 (5)

2009-05-09 2:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
first, i want to know ur combat lv= =

for high levels, killing ankous in security stronghold (barbarian village) is gd, they drops death runes, blood runes, pure essences, adamant arrows, mithril ores often, can earn 250k in 1 hr.

Another one for high levels, is killing green dragons in wilderness.
first buy some games necklaces is grand exchange, than rub the games necklace to teleport to bounty hunter. there is a bank there in bounty hunter and this bank is important! After u take ur food and armours, then rub the necklace again to tele to clan wars. Walk east to green dragons and kill them for green dragon hide and dragon bones. get full inventory than rub the necklace to bounty hunter. bank the green dragon hide and dragon bones than repeat and repeat. This makes 300k 1 hr but it is dangerous in wilderness (reverlent ghost).

tips: games necklace have 8 charges, each charge can tele to one place, and u can tele to bounty hunter, clan wars, barbarian outpost and burborpe games room for each charge. It cost 800 each .

for low levels, u can make steel bars (u know that, i know), but dont go to the furnace in desert. Do varrock achievement diary 'easy'(it is really easy), then wear the varrock armour 1 (reward of achievement diary). Go to edgeville furnace, it is just beside the bank!!( see in world map)

another for low levels, is mining pure essences in Yanille. It is just beside the bank too! pure essence cost 120 each but it is very fast to get 1, same speed as mining rune essence.

hopes u like it!! choose me plz

2009-05-09 17:52:21 補充:
seeeee this website to know wat use of varrock armour 1, 2 and 3

u can see how to do achievement diary varrock easy, medium and hard in this website, and all varrock armour's use. choose me la

2009-05-12 18:43:24 補充:
lol u have to get a set of gd str armour! slave smulet is a must.
slave amulet is a reward of the quest haunted mine, it is not too difficult.
slave amulet can make ur atk increase 15%, ur str increase 20% when killing undeads (zombies, skeleton, ankous), and u can kill one ankou very very fast!!
參考: meeeeeeee
2009-05-14 4:47 am
如果你是members,去member's world,之後斬maple tree,會得到很多錢,但最好的方法始終都是去treasure room拿white party head.
我的msn: [email protected]
2009-05-13 3:24 am
If u want 2 earn $$ in RS, your levs must be really high!!! Such as 70 rng, 70 hp......

1. The best way to earn $$ is 2 go 2 god war dungeons. You should go with some friends which r really really high levs! If u dont, u'll easily die. U need to wear armours which are bandos, zam, sara,Armadyl. Then u won't be hit. U can fite the 4 bosses 2 get godsword! U can at least earn 10mil in one turn. But u need high requirments to fite the bosses. For bandos, u need a hammer and 70str. For sara, u need 70 agility. For zamy, u need 70hp. And for armadyl, u need 70rng. U can go 2 this website 4 more details:

2. Herblore is also a good way 2 earn $$. But u need 55herblore. U can clean kwuarm and mix them in vial of water. It'll be a unfinished potion and u can sell it. U can earn $200 for 1. In 20min, u can earn $1mil.
For more details, go 2 this website:

3. Go 2 slayer tower, but u need 85 slayer lev, if u want 2 earn great $$. U can slay abys demon, they drop abys whip. one whip is $1mil! Even if it's not abys whip, there r a lot of good drop! Like drag med helm!
For more details, go 2:

Uses of varrock armour 1:
Varrock armour 1 gives you a chance of smelting two bars at once when smelting ores up to and including steel in Edgeville. They also give you a chance of mining two ores at once when mining ores up to and including coal. You also get better prices when buying and selling in Varrock area. You have the option to change your Varrock teleport location to the Grand Exchange by speaking to Rat Burgiss.

More details, go 2:

Hope the information can help u
參考: Zybez and me!!
2009-05-09 7:56 am
I daresay Runecrafting is the best skill for you.
Think about:
You make 1500 nature runes in an hour;
You sell $230 for each nature runes;
You make $100 for each nature runes subtract pure essence;
Yep, runecrafting is very quick money even at low level of 44, which can be trained easily in free worlds, "係free world 度可以升既level 而係member world 會賺大錢"

My tips:( that's what I did to train)
Free training
The main training from level 1-44 isn't much difference between members and the vice-versa, free players. It won't take more than 1 week. Just make the best rune u can or stick to air runes if u are sick of giving money.

Inventory is typically 28 spaces. And u need to carry a tiara or talisman to craft runes. However, with help of the abyss, u dont need tiara or talisman, and u can store more essence with pouches.
Go to zamorak mage when u are member to learn more ( in south wildy, follow the river of edgevile.

- pouches can be aquired by monsters in the abyss.
- make natures till 54lvl for law runes(Prefered for higher defence)
- Or till 59 for double cosmic(u cannot bring armour to law altar)
- Add myself "phantomeast"

2009-05-08 23:58:12 補充:
Honestly, u said somebody claims to make 6 mill in 4 days, I made 10m in 40 mins because of the armour of kree'arra, or god wars

2009-05-10 16:08:11 補充:
I make around 3500 cosmics in an hour wearing weight reducing gears with amulet of glory. 63 runecrafting and a abyssal parasite(or whatever they call it) and 3 rc pouches. Around 400k per hour.

2009-05-10 16:08:20 補充:
May I know the drops after 1hr of kill ankous? I average only about 60-90k 1 hr. Even potting at 89 range.
參考: Good luck
2009-05-07 1:40 am
燒steel bar
buy iron ore and coal 來燒
E個係member and non-member最好o既賺錢方法
仲可以升smimthing lv

2009-05-06 17:43:06 補充:
如果好似E家D coaL SELL到斷晒市
可以升wood cutting
60lv cut Yew trees
可以伐到yew logs

2009-05-06 17:46:08 補充:
仲有燒steel bar要係Al K....果個沙漠(即Lumbridge東部要比$10入果度)
燒完到Grand Exchange到 sell左佢
燒之前可以buy定Varrock teleport
參考: , me, me

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