
2009-05-06 11:03 pm
唔該有無人幫我睇下呢段野我有無寫錯 :

How are you? Since I have an interview at Monday, I haven't heard
anything yet, is that means unsuccessful??


回答 (3)

2009-05-06 11:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
correction :
is that means unsuccessful (the tense of this sentence is not correct)
--- does it mean my application is unsuccessful?
--- is my application unsuccessful?
--- Am I failed to be chosen?

2009-05-06 15:51:14 補充:
If you like, you may use my suggestion as follows:

Since I am supposed to have an interview on Monday, yet I have not heard any news from you up to this moment. Does it mean my application is not successful? Your early reply is much appreciated.
2009-05-07 12:20 am
How are you? Since I have an interview at Monday, I haven't heard
anything yet, is that means unsuccessful??

After Correcrt:
How are you? Since I have an interview at Monday, I haven't heard
anything yet, is that mean(not means) unsuccessful??
2009-05-06 11:30 pm
唔該有無人幫我睇下呢段野我有無寫錯 :

How are you? Since I have an interview at Monday, I haven't heard
anything yet, is that means unsuccessful??


How are you? > How do you do?
以上回答內容是本人經驗(Vinci Cheung),不可能於任何網頁或書本上找到!版權所有,未經許可,請勿複製作任何用途!!!
通常你識得的人或者朋友先會用「How are you?」,唔識的多數用「How do you do?」

Since I have an interview at Monday, > Since I have an interview on Monday,

以上回答內容是本人經驗(Vinci Cheung),不可能於任何網頁或書本上找到!版權所有,未經許可,請勿複製作任何用途!!!
I haven't heard anything yet, > I still haven't got any reply


is that means unsuccessful > is that means fail to be chosen

fail to be chosen指落選
以上回答內容是本人經驗(Vinci Cheung),不可能於任何網頁或書本上找到!版權所有,未經許可,請勿複製作任何用途!!!

How do you do? Since I have an interview on Monday, I still haven't got any reply. is that means fail to be chosen?

2009-05-06 16:52:34 補充:
參考: 以上回答內容是本人經驗(Vinci Cheung),不可能於任何網頁或書本上找到!版權所有,未經許可,請勿複製作任何用途!!!

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