
2009-05-06 7:52 pm
請問各位可知澳洲悉尼近市區有冇唔算貴嘅酒店? 大約要幾錢一晚? 各位可曾經去過有資料? thx~~~~

回答 (2)

2009-05-07 1:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
我 30/4 去左 SYD. 住左5日係 holiday inn darling harbour. 你上網打呢個名就搵到 ka lak. 約 $800-900 一晚. 視乎旺淡季 / 包早餐. 乾淨企理但絕唔豪華. 超方便搭巴士, 輕鐵, 單軌火車都好近. 酒店隔離正正係地道既市場賣平野及手信. 早餐仲好多野食 tim!
2009-05-07 1:27 am
If you have some friends know that area well, ask them for advice! If not, maybe you can search from the internet. or maybe you can look at the following website to compare have find the more suitable hotel / motel for you.


希望幫到你!! ^_^

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