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0. 你的 P.S. 沒用的原因,在 Promotion!
簡言之,printf 的 float 引數永遠會自動被轉成 double!
http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1508080209097 及其中的 link
1. 那你這題的原因是?
float num1 = 30000.1f;
printf("%16.10f + %23.21f = %17.12f\n", num1, num2, num1 + num2);
30000.0996093750 + 0.000399999989895150070 = 30000.100009374990
num1 本來就不是 30000.1! 在存成 float 時,它就不準了!
num2 也不是 .0004!
因此,任你再怎麼轉成更準的數,它存入 num_時,就已不準!
哪不懂請再問! ^_^
2009-05-06 21:07:23 補充:
也就是說:它是浮點數的問題,不是 C 的問題!
+ 0.00039999998989515007
2009-05-07 06:58:12 補充:
To bean_bottom_2:
所以,仍是 浮點數 的問題,不是 C 的問題。
難道,(比如說) MatLab 做得到?
我 MatLab 只會點皮毛。
就我會的範圍,要把 double 〝數值〞轉成 Symbolic Calculation,
2009-05-07 21:27:14 補充:
Promotion 是你看了那 link 還不懂嗎?
30000.0996093750 當你只印 7.22 位時,它是
30000.0996... 必須進位成
所以,它有 7.22 位的準度沒錯!
但,不表示第 7.23位起,都是 0!
小數部份,必須是 2^-n 的和,才會沒有誤差!
0.0004不能用 2^-n 的和湊出來!
但,它仍準到 7.22 位!
0.0003999999'89895'150070 注意 ' ' 中的數!能不進位嗎?
2009-05-07 21:27:44 補充:
30000.1004 是 9 位數,double 有 15位以上,
一次運算,double 還罩得住!
還有個方法,寫 Symbolic Calculation!
2009-05-08 08:50:56 補充:
I do NOT say it does NOT write like that!
I say "EVEN IF" (就算) it does not, the problem, in fact, will still exist.
2009-05-08 08:56:17 補充:
This means two things. First, it states like that. Second, The problem should not caused by that statement.
Maybe your opinion means differetly like the following:
2009-05-08 08:56:30 補充:
If the book states C compiler should try to solve this problem, you should not have this problem now because C will have build-in Symbolic Calculation. But, sorry, the book write like this. So, you must accept this fact that converting to a more precise type can not solve the precision problem.
2009-05-08 08:59:08 補充:
Then, we are talking about the same thing, right?
Simple sentences make confusing frequently.
Sorry if I misunderstand that you mean "The reason is caused by that statement, not the float itself. The compiler should have to solve this problem if the book does not say that!"