Guys who would you rather date?

2009-05-05 10:59 pm
Pisces or Scorpio? And whats your sign

OOOH yeah one other WHY???????????

回答 (7)

2009-05-05 11:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案

because I am a Scorpio and a Scorpio + Scorpio match is magical.
參考: Know from experience
2009-05-05 11:10 pm
Pisces, because Scorpio's annoy me.
2009-05-05 11:13 pm
pisces cause they are sweetier and more affectionate...and scorpios love mindgames and are lazy.
2009-05-05 11:10 pm
They pick Pisces because Scorpio girls at b1tches!
Pisces is more superior in every way since they are the last sign so they are every sign. And they have a motto "Pisces Power!" And Pisces never whine and cry like Scorpios do and Scorpio girls are annoying.

EDIT: seven is right pisces are more sweeter and affectionate than the scorpio and they never play mind games. nobody beats a pisces at romance. and they are the most feminine woman.
參考: Guys
2009-05-06 3:31 pm
i dont know...

i'm a cancerian! maybe both!!!
2009-05-05 11:23 pm
Oh god neither! Scorpio is so paranoid and stubborn and Pisces over dramatises everything. If I had to pick I'd go for Pisces because they are so fun but honestly, I'm going to keep my distance from the water signs. They make the best of friends but there too emotional for me for me to handle in a relationship
參考: Aquarius
2009-05-05 11:15 pm
I am not a Pisces or Scorpio, but I am a Libra.

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