Is it good to run at maximum speed for a long duration or should I just jog?

2009-05-05 7:13 pm
I run and am healthy but I've never really ran at maximum speed for any longer than ten minutes at a time

回答 (25)

2009-05-05 7:18 pm
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the best thing to do to maximize running workouts is running as fast as you can for a minute or 2, then jog for 5, then run for 2, jog for 5....etx
2009-05-05 7:19 pm
I read that the best thing for your metabolism is to sprint for as long as you can then slow down, then sprint, then slow down again. Then repeat. I've tried it. It helped me! [:
2016-10-03 8:08 pm
it quite is extremely an superb time table, yet, while you're nevertheless obese, the walking is putting various tension onto your legs which, unlike in cycling, additionally are donning your weight. particularly than merely walking, attempt the army device of walking for ten minutes and then capability walking for 5. Then, once you sense waiting, bypass to fifteen minutes and 5 minutes. this could assist you get rid of various the lactic acid build-up. proceed to computer screen your weight-alleviation plan and the advantages will come to you.
2009-05-05 10:37 pm
Partly depends on what you're training for.

You generally don't want to go all-out the entire time except in racing, and even then you need to manage your pacing.

Most training for distance running you'll do at "jogging" paces. You might periodically work in speed work days and intervals where you go faster for relatively brief stretches.
2009-05-05 8:23 pm
yea ..
well not at maximum speed but close to it lik (85% to 90% race pace)
its easier to get faster this way than by jogging
because you build up your indurance and afterwards it gets easier to run a longer disance
參考: im a varsity freshmen in track and field (sprinter, mid/long distance) and cross country :)
2009-05-05 8:20 pm
go for it. it is the only way to get faster
2009-05-05 7:26 pm
it depends on...
your age
your fitness ie: are you a serious runner? or do you run just to get your blood moving?
what you're running for:
running in the morning, racing, etc.
10 minutes should be fine, that sould be a little more than a mile for most people who havent specifically trained for running.
but always know your limit and don't push it too far!
if you feel very dizzy or nauseous you probably shouldn't, but other than that, running at full speed burns the most calories and builds the most muscle and trains you the best!
10 points please???
參考: Varstiy: xc(crosscountry), track
2009-05-05 7:24 pm
jogging is better for long distance over time running... maximum speed is usually only used for short burst ( like sprinters)
2009-05-05 7:22 pm
NO NO NO NO NO!!! Jogging is absolutely terrible for you. It raises your metabolism and it makes your hips wider, especially for woman because their hips are already wide and that just makes them wider. I suggest sprinting to a certain place or for a certain area. What you have done is very good.
參考: Me and my brain
2009-05-05 7:20 pm
are you racing or running for fitness? if you are racing you should run in phases. moderate, medium and fast. and rotate between each since you can maintain a fast run for distance (5k or more). if you are running or joggin for fitness, it doesn't matter. the key is to elevate you heart rate for an extended period - usually 30 minutes or more at a time. naturally if you run faster than a jog you will burn more calories than a light jog.

good luck hope it helps
參考: i lost 80 pounds and run marathons and triathlons now - my wife lost 100 and runs 5Ks and triathlons!
2009-05-05 7:20 pm
They say that if your goal is to lose weight that you would want to get to your target heart rate. A certain heart rate based on different factors of yourself like age and resting heart rate that determine what heart rate you burn the most fat at. I don't know what your target heart rate would be, you can type it into google and figure it out, but it is usually somewhere in the middle. Like not walking or running, but jogging probably. If your heart rate goes too high up you aren't burning the fat, and if it is too low same thing, so it is probably best to jog, but for as long as possible because the longer you are at your target heart rate, the more fat you burn. Look into it and good luck.
2009-05-05 7:20 pm
Try to run at intivals.......Sprint from one lampost to the next then jog to the next one then sprint ect. this builds muscle endurance
參考: im a 400mrunner and 400m hurdler
2009-05-05 7:20 pm
Don't worry - I'm a doctor. If you even think about running at any time of the day ever, your heart is at a 99% higher risk of exploding. My son Dani Bronstein decided to go out and get some exercise one day because of his obesity, and he collapsed 20 feet from the house. I had to drag his 300 pound flabby white body to the hospital. Don't ever run ever again.
參考: Yakov's genius brain
2009-05-05 7:20 pm
Im pretty sure you burn more calories if you sprint for short distances, than if you jog for a long distance, but not that sure on this.
2009-05-05 7:19 pm
Just jog initially for about six minutes and for the remaing four minutes give a sprint, ok? hope this helps...
2009-05-05 7:19 pm
start jogging and increase you speed...that's how i work for me...
2009-05-05 7:19 pm
jog, because u can kill urselve if u run very fast in a long time
2009-05-05 7:19 pm
Never run at max speed for a long duration. Your muscles will not get enough oxygen over time and you will pull a hamstring...or worse.
2009-05-05 7:19 pm
What is you goal? If you are trying to increase you speed for a race, then push yourself at maximum speed for some time, then slow down, and repeat. If you are running for exercise, then jog. I tend to run for 2 minutes at 7.0 mph, then 2 minutes at 6, or for the duration of a song, if I'm running outside. I do this to increase my speed, or to finish a run quicker. I also do this to improve my fitness levels. What is your goal?
2009-05-05 7:19 pm
jog. even in long-distance races, people need to pace themselves so they don't tire immediately.
2009-05-05 7:19 pm
running for a really long time while jogging is the best for endurance. Running at a maximum speed is good for you but not all the time because using those muscles and working them as hard as you can daily is very bad for them.
2009-05-05 7:19 pm
Some days you should run sprints, some days you should run faster long distance (like miles and 400s), and some days you should run LSD (really long, slower distance). That is the best for being in shape lol.

of course, that along with lifting, sports, and whatnot. but yeah you seem healthy already btw
2009-05-05 7:19 pm
yes, until you feel faint, or like you're about to die. at that point i would begin jogging, or walking.
參考: 20 + years of experience, education, and training.
2009-05-05 7:19 pm
jog and build ur way up to that speed slowly over time.
2009-05-05 7:18 pm
trying jogging cause you don't want to end dead somewhere

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