Proper breathing while running?

2009-05-05 6:05 pm
What is the right way to breath while jogging/running?

Every time I jog or run or whatever, I end up breathing really short, shallow breaths. I can't figure out how to breath properly... and I can't seem to breath in through my nose...
Help. :)


lol, sorry to sound dumb nikki, but what exactly do you mean by a 4 and 2 count??? I just want to make sure I totally get it. Thanks!!! :)


lol billie!!! :) Yeah, I love love love walking, but I need to kick up the intensity of what I do... believe me, running was never something I wanted to do...

回答 (7)

2009-05-05 7:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Yes, breathe in a rhythm. Try to inhale thru your nose & exhale thru your mouth. That filters the air better & allows you to expel faster. Also, try to inhale slowly, steadily & exhale quickly. Maybe a 4 count in & a two count out.
2009-05-05 7:53 pm
You should breathe deeply and only through your mouth. Your rate of respiration should be controlled by effort, and not based on any particular step pattern. Shallow rapid breathing can lead to hyperventillation which can cause you to "pass out". If you are racing and you start to "kick" to the finish, you change your breathing pattern to something that is much slower as you are now sprinting and can run anarobically.
參考: Thirty year of coaching track and field as well as competing in events from the sprints to the marathon.
2009-05-05 7:25 pm
Just don't think about it! I have a friend who is a personal trainer, who insists you should breathe through your nose. I think your body needs as much oxygen as possibly, while you are running and you will naturally breathe through your mouth. I've been running for years, I don't focus anymore on my breathing when I run, than when I walk. Just focus on getting through a run, and the better your body adapts at running, by just running daily, the better runner you will become. You will naturally start breathing longer breaths as your heart becomes stronger and better able to function, while running. You'll get there!
2009-05-05 10:42 pm
Try walking instead! lol
2009-05-05 6:29 pm
just relax and breathe out in a rhythm. start breathing out every other step, then as you warm up make it every fourth step...just do what comes natural in between. rock steady....and don't screws everything up...if you feel like you can't keep it up...instead of slowing down...look off to your side and focus on something distant like a telephone pole or other landmark until you have it back under control. you can carry something in your hand too to focus on like your keys...kind of like a mantra. just something to externalize on.
2016-05-27 12:09 pm
Just breath, there is no technique that will improve your running. Take deep, full breaths, don't pant or gasp. If you need more air put your emphasis on forcefully breathing out, not in. As you conditioning improves your body gets better at using the oxygen you breath and you become more efficient so the breathing becomes easier. Don't count steps or time your breathing, just breath.
2009-05-05 7:24 pm
breath with ur nose don't use ur mouth, because u can make ur stomach hert

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