想換cpu 問題.

2009-05-06 4:36 am
我而家用緊Pentium d 2.6G. 配緊9600GT. 但係而家RUN GAME D 3D畫面都唔暢順. 我覺得係粒CPU 唔配張DISPLAY CARD......發揮唔到效能......

我想換粒E8200. 想問一下. E8200 同 PENTIUM D 2.6G 既效能係咪差好遠呢??

回答 (2)

2009-05-06 8:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我想換粒E8200. 想問一下. E8200 同 PENTIUM D 2.6G 既效能係咪差好遠呢??

1. 但E8200應已買不到,E8400la
2. Pentium D2.6G 與 E8400 都是 LGA775 CPU接口,

E8200/E8400 ~$13XX
建議 用第一階的E7400 ~$910, 平了$4XX...
價錢可連底板都包了, 且效能不是差很遠

2009-05-06 12:09:00 補充:
底板M/B: P5KPL-AM M/B ~HK$390.00

2009-05-16 02:04:50 補充:
Pentium D 2.6G 用的底板
...很可能 是'不能用' 45nm E8X00 CPU
參考: 個人經驗
2009-05-14 9:05 pm
If you can check the speed of the clock or the frequency, see if the
specs and the pin locations and configurations are compatible lor... .

2009-05-14 13:08:18 補充:
cpu cheaper or display card cheaper; you don't have to chop your toes off if you want to stay away from the worms

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