我想問一個簡單嘅問題 (英文*)

2009-05-06 1:53 am
"If I ask you do you agree that Hong Kong girls are beautiful?"
"If I ask you who the most influential person in2008 is."

"If I ask you do you agree that Hong Kong girls are beautiful?" & "If I ask you who the most influential person in2008 is." 係成句黎....但係我唔知D grammar岩唔岩...

回答 (2)

2009-05-06 2:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
It should be:

1. May I ask if you agree that Hong Kong girls are beautiful?

2. May I ask who is the most influential person in 2008.

*You should not use "if" as the first word of a question.

*You should pay more attention to the form of a question in English.

*"Is/ are" is put behind the words " who", "which", "where", "when"
and "how".

2009-05-05 18:10:06 補充:
2. May I ask who is the most influential person in 2008? (sorry,the end should be a question mark)
參考: Myself. Hope it helps=)
2009-05-06 2:08 am
Do you agree with me that Hong kong girls are beautiful?

Who is the most influential person in 2008?

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