I give my brother two apples .
Two apples is given to my brother by me .
My brother is given two apple by me .
how many apple do you give to your brother ?
how many apple you give your brother ?
how many apple is given to my brother by me ?
呢3 句既疑問句是這樣嗎? apple 要加s ,artical 之類嗎?
如果what,which,why,how ,etc .. 有多幾個 動詞,介詞 , 既疑問句又有好多種寫法嗎?
在這些詞後一定有do, are 嗎?
最好有多 d illustration
有answer and question
我想知既係長既句子 , 唔 好比d 簡單ga question 我 - V -
但係第2,3,4句 没有疑問句嗎? 一定要用to這種形式去表達嗎? how many apple(s) you had given to your brother ? 點解唔係how many apples had you given to your brother ?