
2009-05-04 9:18 pm
如題 我想要有關於潛水的電影




除此之外 有少少部分係潛水既都OK

另外,可以既話請寫埋男,女主角的資料 少許故事簡介


回答 (1)

2009-05-14 7:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Into the Blue
Set in the deep, shark-infested waters of the Bahamas, four young divers discover a legendary shipwreck rumored to contain millions in gold at the bottom of the sea, they believe their dream of buried treasure has come true. But nearby on the ocean floor, a sunken plane full of illegal cargo threatens their find. The friends make a pact to keep quiet about both discoveries so they can excavate the shipwreck before a rival treasure hunter uncovers their secret and beats them to the gold. But their plan goes awry when they realize dangerous smugglers are already closing in on the missing plane, and one of the friends makes a fatal decision that quickly turns the treasure hunters into the hunted.

男主角 Paul Walker
女主角 Jessica Alba

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