Financial management 一問

2009-05-04 8:19 am
A new cargo truck will, if purchased, increase the company's revenue by $80,000 a year for each of the next 5 years. But during the same
period, the company needs to pay additional insurance fee of $8,000
a year. If the required internal rate of return is 12%, calculate
the maximum price that the company can pay for this new truck
(assume no residual value)

係米計NPV ?? 唔係好明

回答 (1)

2009-05-04 6:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Yes, you need to calculate the sum of NPV for that new truck. It will have net cash inflows of $72,000 for coming 5 years. The maximum payable price is the sum of all future cashflows NPV. The maximum price is 72,000/(1.12) + 72,000/(1.12)^2 + 72,000/(1.12)^3 + 72,000/(1.12)^4 + 72,000/(1.12)^5= $259,543.89

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