2009-05-04 3:11 am
70% of prople ->believed<- that transports provided currently ->are<- not enough but others disagreed



這是一份research. transportation are not enough 係現今的事, 但係我見sample 用past tense 去describe 人地的看法 (result出黎既data).


我用believe去describe data入面respondents的看法, 岩唔岩? 定要用past tense?

回答 (3)

2009-05-04 3:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
70% of people believe that current transports provided are not enough but others disagree.

2009-05-04 19:20:17 補充:
disagreed this point - 全錯。
disagree - 是不及物動詞。
disagreed or disagreed with this point.
2009-05-04 5:58 am
70% of the people (population??) believe that current transportation provided is inadequate , however, others disagree.

If you are talking about current means of transportation are not enough, using Present Tense is a more appropriate option for your sentence. Expressing the verb 'believe' in past tense but áre' for 'not enough' is grammatically incorrect, as I have no idea with your previous sentences or the content involved in your context. You may aware that I have refined your sentence with some changes. Hope you find it helpful.
2009-05-04 5:43 am
70% of people believed that transports provided currently are not

enough but others disagreed this point.

2009-05-04 16:52:19 補充:
"transports provided currently were not enough but others disagreed this point."
參考: Brain

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