✔ 最佳答案
1) 我應該去邊度做body check? = When you apply for the visa, the immigration will also provide you a list of the clinic for you to do the body check, so there is "no need" for you to look for a clinic yourself as you need to choose a clinic from the list provided.
2) 有無邊間野可以幫我代辦學生簽証同body check? = As far as I know, there is no such 機構 in Hong Kong provide that kind of service, so I suggest you can do it yourself!
辦學生簽証同身體檢查 is not that difficult, but if you have any problem, I suggest you to contact the 澳洲總領事館:
香港灣仔港灣道25號海港中心23樓 (護照及領事服務)
辦公時間 : 星期一至五 - 上午 9:00 至 下午 5:00 (午膳時間,照常辦公)
護照可於 上午 9:00 至 下午 4:00 提交
見證文件服務 - 逢星期三 上午 9:00 至 下午 1:00 正
電話 : 2585 4146
傳真 : 2585 4461
電郵 :
[email protected]
2009-05-04 09:25:34 補充:
希望幫到你!! ^_^
2009-05-05 13:49:44 補充:
咁你知唔知body check幾多錢到? = 好似大約 HK$5xx - 6xx