Which is a good dell laptop to record and edit movies?

2009-05-03 12:15 am
I'm looking for a laptop, preferrably dell, to record and edit movies. I know macbooks are really good with this kind of thing, but if i were to get a dell, which of their laptops is best for doing this? Thanks!

回答 (5)

2009-05-04 12:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Try a Dell Studio. Dell also offers customizations to cater your needs.
2009-05-04 5:41 am
Apple laptops are best laptops for every purpose and the thing you are talking about needs higher capacity graphic/vga card. Atleast 1 Mb for this purpose.
2009-05-03 3:44 am
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2009-05-03 12:29 am
off hand i don't know. but what you really wanna check out is the spec of the laptop. I don't know how much you know about the components of a laptop/pc so ill break it down simply.
Ram. the more of it you have the faster the programs can run and the smoother the operation will be.(the muscles of the laptop) you want at least 2 gigs if you're gonna run multimedia programs.
CPU(processor) The intelligence of the computer. If you can get a dual core then you're on a roll. anything from 2.0ghz and above will suit your needs.
Hard drive: everyone knows what a hard drive is so go for the biggest you can afford within budget.
GPU(graphics card) If you're serious about editing and recording movies then you wanna get a graphics card that will support hd out. its not essential but definitely worth thinking about. allot of laptops nowadays are shipping with HD out as standard and pretty soon VGA will be gone (2-5) years so it might be an idea to stay ahead of the game and go for it now.
I hope that wasn't too over the top. Best of look with the purchase and most of all with the film editing.
2009-05-03 12:23 am
umm. i dont think any laptop is good for "recording" movies but a couple good ones for editing
are any of the Dell "studio" ones
i think there are only 2 the 15 and 17
the 15 being the 15.4 inch one and
the 17 being the 17 inch one..
of course the 17 inch has more stuff in it like memory and graphics and such, but im sure if you want to use a program like premier pro then the 15 is good enough =) *plus it has longer battery life

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