Is there a way you can save your self from explosion or self destruct in pokemon?

2009-05-02 7:28 pm
In pokemon cards I once had a forretress that knew self destruct and a move that allowed it to keep 10 hp after using it. Is there any move or item that allows you to keep 1 hp in the pokemon games?

No I mean the pokemon that uses explosion


No I mean if you use explosion is there a way to keep 1 hp so your pokemon does not die?

回答 (6)

2009-05-02 11:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Focus sash maybe. But I would still suspech it would not work. I've never tried it.
2009-05-02 7:37 pm
Yes, there are. If you use Fly, Bounce, or Dig right before the Pokmeon uses Explosion or Self-Destruct in the games, it will avoid all the damage completely while still fainting the opposing Pokemon. Focus Band, and the move Endure will also allow you to keep 1 HP on your Pokemon as well.

If your opponent has a Koffing or a Weezing, you don't want to use Dig because if I remember correctly, they both have Levitate :(

Hope this helps :)
參考: Own experience.
2009-05-02 7:56 pm
Yes. But it all depends on your hunch/instincts. If your opponent has a Pokemon like Koffing or Weezing and you think that it's going to use Self-Destruct, use a Pokemon like Staravia/Staraptor, Buneary/Lopunny, or a Diglett/Dugtrio. They can use Fly, Bounce, or Dig before the enemy uses Self-Destruct. That way, the enemy loses all its HP and you're safe in the air (Fly/Bounce) or in the ground (Dig). This is one way. Or you could do what most Trainers do - use Endure or Focus Band or sash.
Hope I helped.
參考: used my superior intellect
2009-05-02 7:36 pm
Not in the pokemon games because a 250' power attack would be too powerful. However, if the foe use explosion, you can use the focus sash to let you 1 HP

EDIT:I knew but there is not
2009-05-03 1:08 am
No.If the pokemon uses self destruct or explosion it kills itself.That is why they call it self destruct or explosion because it kills itself. Do you have a friend code in your pokemon game?
2009-05-02 8:52 pm
Yes, there are.

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