
2009-05-03 4:16 am

回答 (3)

2009-05-04 5:22 pm
退稅係一種利民舒困嘅措施,係短暫及一次性。由於要退稅,政府庫房收入少咗,在經濟衰退預期下,在其他支出方面會減少。政府以前係量入為出,以公平做原則。依家就係強權政策:To pick the most feathers with the least hissing!意思即係可以欺負你就欺負你!做完退稅安撫咗一班人,咁當然要搵另一班人笨去填補庫房,唔係點解可以由最初預算45億財政赤字變14億盈餘?
2009-05-03 7:14 am
可以當係一種利民解困, 刺激經濟的 措施之一; 一時之間大家市民口袋又"多"了一點錢 (如果係以退款方式, 而非減免下一年度預繳的方法), 有機會花錢帶動消費!

匯訊會計 24小時熱線: 82061801(香港)
網站: http://www.info-pacific.com

參考: 匯訊會計 報稅 核數 稅務 成立公司 http://www.info-pacific.com
2009-05-03 5:58 am
A rebate given to both individual and corporate taxpayers when a revenue surplus exists or with other purposes. This is a prudent measure of handling government public finance with so many uncertain factors during planning stage. So, get the money first ! The main issue of giving a tax rebate is to stimulus payments or spending in boosting up the economy particularly the consumption issue during the economic downturn. This is usually a sudden giveback from the government and the taxpayers are not aware of it beforehand.

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 20:31:43
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