
2009-05-03 12:14 am
1)金融海嘯 後被裁員
4)古舊方式運作,e.g 冇電腦化,菇寒,工作怠慢

1)雖然現在份工只做了10多天,我己了解這間公司的運作情況了。 2) 再對上一份工都是做這行業的,但做了年半,公司開始cut 分行因金螎海嘯後.

回答 (4)

2009-05-03 12:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Being layoff after the financial tsunami.
2. I am doing clerical work.
3. I like to deal with customers.
4. Old style of management e.g. without computer, too cost sensitive, too slow in work.
5. I could not build up self-confidence while working in this company.
2009-05-03 3:49 am
after 1) financial Tsunami, reduces staff 2) has made the civilian post to work 3) likes to the guest working 4) the ancient way operation, the e.g 冇 computerization, the mushroom is cold, the work neglects 5) does not compare confidence in this corporate growth…
參考: me
2009-05-03 12:27 am
1) The financial tsunami after layoffs
2) has been doing clerical work
3) prefer to work off
4) The old mode of operation, eg a computer there, and mushrooms in cold, idle
5) In this company to develop confidence in themselves than the less than ...
參考: google
2009-05-03 12:23 am
I was fired in the economic tsunami.
I was a civil service worker.
question3-5?can't help you

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