
2009-05-02 9:10 pm
我部desktop最近熄機後冇耐又自己開機, 熄完幾分鐘又開, 發覺如果disconnect條lan線就唔會有自動開機情況. 懷疑已俾人hack我部desktop, 我已安裝了防毒interet security software但都冇用.

另外, 有次上網半夜冇關機, 第2朝早發現"我的最愛"內有1條連結冇左, 懷疑被hacker剷走.

其實我心中有數應該被hacker入侵左我部desktop, 有乜方法可以stop及block左佢?

format部機? 再安裝d乜software或者再可以於window xp內校d乜, 可以block之余又可以check到對方ip?

我部desktop係用緊window xp.

回答 (4)

2009-05-04 11:39 am
first, suggest you to backup all your data first.
and than, scan your computer will spyware software ....
for example,...spyware doctor 6 ...etc....
made sure the def has been updated and do a full scanning.
Try to repair if any founding.....

you can also check your connection in command mode by
cmd > netstat > to show more detail informaiton for the host connection with you ....

but i think this is waste the time, what you do than if you checked their IP ? also, most of them 's IP is not the real IP .....

suggest you just simple to ...

backup > scan > repair/remove > keep anti spyware program update >......

if it's cannot be remove successful or problems cannot slove.....
suggest you should need format the drive and reinstall the OS....
2009-05-03 2:37 am

係的話我建議你買多一個rounter插在舊rounter同電腦之間, 使電腦的ip變成假ip, 無論黑客有幾大本事, 都冇可能hack到你部機!(木馬除外)


加多一個rounter唔表示唔會中木馬, 只係黑客唔可以直接透過你的ip攻擊你ge電腦!
參考: 建議
2009-05-02 11:58 pm
點解禁多人以為hacker 係黑客呢?

2009-05-02 11:04 pm

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