phy wave speed question..高手入

2009-05-02 5:30 pm
我想問如果我shake條繩......wave speed係0.8m/s......咁我shake條繩at a faster rate.......wave speed會變嗎? (註:medium property唔變)

回答 (3)

2009-05-02 6:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
When you shake the string at a faster rate, you only increase the frequency and hence shorten wavelength of the wave on the string. The speed of wave remain unchanged.
In theory, the speed of wave along a string is proportional to the sqaure root of the string tension, and inversely proportional to the square root of the linear density (i.e. mass per unit length) of the string. If the same string stretched under the same tension is used, rapid flicking of the string thus doesn't affect the wave speed.
2009-05-03 7:58 am
唔會,正如sound wave一樣,講野大聲d d sound wave也不會快左(330m/s,340m/s)
2009-05-02 6:02 pm
No(註:medium property唔變)

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