香港車牌 L牌 番英國轉車牌???

2009-05-02 3:30 pm
而家香港新例要考到車 要拎一年L牌...
咁如果我拎L牌番英國 轉英國車牌...


回答 (2)

2009-05-11 7:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
答:首先,那個是P牌。即暫准駕駛執照(Probationary Driving Licence)。詳情如下:
單車及機動三輪車已在2000年10月01日實施暫准駕駛執照計劃。這計劃由2009年02月09日起已經擴展至私家車及輕型貨車。由該日開始,任何人士報考電單車、機動三輪車、私家車或輕型貨車的駕駛考試而獲取及格後,只符合資格申請暫准駕駛執照。法例規定,暫准駕駛執照持有人須通過12個月的暫准駕駛期,才可獲簽發正式駕駛執照(Full driving licence)。
而根據英國的DVLA的Exchanging your foreign driving licence相關網頁,香港是屬於可換照的Designated Countries名單中。而在使用Designated Countries所發出駕照在英國使用或免試換發英國駕照的相關說明中:
If you are a visitor in GB, and hold full ordinary entitlement, you can drive any category of vehicle, up to 3.5 tonnes and with up to eight passenger seats, shown on your licence for up to 12 months from the date you last entered GB, whether or not you brought the vehicle into GB. If you also hold full entitlement to drive large lorries or buses you are only allowed to drive large vehicles registered outside the GB that you have driven into the country.
If you are a resident in GB and provided your full licence remains valid, you can drive small vehicles for 12 months from the time you became resident. To ensure continuous driving entitlement, you must exchange your licence for a GB one before the 12 months end.
If you do not do this you must stop driving although you may apply to exchange your licence at any time within five years of becoming resident.
所以,要用香港駕照免試換成英國駕照,則需要持有 正式駕駛執照(Full licence)才可以辦理。而暫准駕駛執照(Probationary Driving Licence)是不接受換領的。
Rules for exchange
The following conditions must be met before a licence can be granted in exchange for a GB one:
‧you must be normally resident in GB and have a permanent address here
‧if you are a community driving licence holder applying for a British test at the same time as exchanging your licence and you have moved to GB having recently been permanently resident in another state of the EC or EEA, you must have been normally resident in GB for 185 days in the 12 months prior to your application for a full driving licence

2009-05-10 23:09:54 補充:

2009-05-10 23:11:15 補充:
licences from the designated countries must be current at the time the

2009-05-10 23:11:27 補充:
licences from the Isle of Man or the Channel Islands are acceptable for exchange if issued after 01/04/91.Those issued in any EC or EEA country may be valid for exchange even if they have expired

2009-05-10 23:12:01 補充:
you must surrender your foreign licence which will be returned to the issuing authority

international driving permits are not exchangeable

2009-05-10 23:12:47 補充:
test pass certificates are not exchangeable except for those issued in Northern Ireland or Gibraltar when the test was passed within two years of the date of the licence application

2009-05-10 23:13:04 補充:
Japanese licences must be accompanied by an official translation, available for a fee from the Consulate General of Japan at 101-104 Piccadilly, London W1V 9FN or 2 Melville Crescent, Edinburgh, EH3 7HW

2009-05-10 23:13:14 補充:
Republic of Korea licences must be accompanied by an official translation from the Embassy of the Republic of Korea at 60 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6AJ

2009-05-10 23:13:25 補充:
motorcycle licences from the Republic of Korea and Faroe Islands are not exchangeable

2009-05-10 23:13:43 補充:
======1 2 或以上(3 22 除外)==============B==========
===有A(自動波牌 如1A 2A)=================B==========(被限制automatic transmission only)

2009-05-10 23:13:48 補充:
=========3 22============================A2=========
=======3A 22A============================A2=========(被限制automatic transmission only)
參考: 英國DVLA+運輸處+我是一個有齊 中 港 澳 台 駕駛執照的人+辦理香港 澳門 中國 臺灣等多國駕照互換的經驗
2009-05-04 10:30 pm
得,一定得。因為朋友以前轉過!等 3 weeks!!
去DVLA website睇睇!
同可以唔用 P 放響車!
因為 D Police 唔會好似香港咁,乜都足。
嫁車仲點改都得!!! HAHAH~
好似係 GBP 38 (以前)
Anyway, Good Luck!
參考: Personal EXP

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