can i still be a ballerina if i don't have the 'ballerina body'?

2009-05-02 7:43 am
i'm 14 now, 159cm tall and 45 kg. people say that if you don't have the right body, then it will be very likely you can't be a professional dancer.
i'm scared now, i don't have the body.
i have a big head and my jawline is quite angular. i'm not very fat, but i have a big butt which frustrates me when i try to do a arabesque, my butt would stick to my back even when i haven't reached 90 degrees.
and my thighs are thick, my inner thighs, i don't really understand how to use them. And for my foot arch, i have no problem in it. But my hips are huge, and it looks weird cuz my waist is quite short and my legs are long.
Plz tell me if my figure really matters. I try very hard to practise and I love dance! I feel like dancing every moment and I hope to be a ballerina!

回答 (7)

2009-05-04 4:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
of course you can. there are many companies that are sstarting to stray away from the 'perfect ballet body'. you shouldnt worry about that especially if your good.

i personally feel like your lucky bc i know a girlwho has probly what is close to the 'ballet body' and it has cost her soooooooo many problems. her legs hyperextend super far and her feet are so arched that it is really hard for her to balance. she has to pull out of her shoe along with all other things bc her foot goes so far over the box. she is 14 and has had shin splints three times, achilles tendonitis 2, and she dislocated her knee all bc of being more flexible and lacking in strength. shehas gotten a lot stronger in everything butshe says she always has slight pain and it never goes away. If she stops doing any of her excersizes for more than 5 weeks she gets hurt again. she want more than anything to become a ballet dancer but she has already had 6 injuries and she started serious ballet when she was 10 and shes now 14.

you really dont need the 'perfect ballet body' and but from what i really really dont want it. as far as the not understanding inner thighs and your butt sticking back when u havent even reached 90 degress, that all comes from strength and more usage. ask your teacher about excersize you could to to help like strengthening your back muscles, stomach muscles, and inner thighs. im sure youre teacher will be more than happy to talk with you and help you with any worrys you might have!
good luck and happy dancing!
2009-05-02 8:19 am
A ballet company isn't going to care what shaped face you have. Each dance company has its own look. You will find some that want the classical tall thin body type, and others who don't.
You should be more worried about your technique. At age 14 you should be at dance lessons at least 4 times at week if you want to be a professional
2009-05-02 7:52 am
You can enjoy ballet and do it as a form of exercise and for pleasure, but if you hope to be a professional you will have to face the ugly fact that the industry is harshly critical and very selective looking for waify looking string-beans with swan-like necks.

Sorry, but I hope you can still find a reason to keep dancing and loving it.

Try contemporary dance. It is not so rigid and restrictive and many of the movements you learn in ballet will translate nicely. You just might find a place in the industry there.
2009-05-02 8:31 pm
2009-05-02 8:22 pm
yes, once you practice and practice it really doesnt matter what body shape you have.. it is helpful to stay in good shape to get the figure of a ballerina. but dont let it stand in the way of ur dreams go for it.. and if it doesnt work out try a different style of dance... hope this helps :)
happy dancing
2009-05-02 5:42 pm
they want skinny girls that have no butt or boobs, are 5'4" to 5'8", and have long, skinny necks... you may be able to dance depending on the companys "look" but even if you dont have the look you can still be aballerina..
參考: ballerina *smile for the camera*
2009-05-02 4:42 pm
um, i'm not going to sugar coat anything.
ballet companies are harsh and strict.
they want skinny girls that have no butt or boobs, are 5'4" to 5'8", and have long, skinny necks.
but it depends on what company it is...

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