
2009-05-01 6:17 pm

回答 (2)

2009-05-01 6:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
因為你部機太多野..如果可以既話你洗機就唔會咁慢嫁喇..不過洗完機之後你都唔好下載咁多野唔係既話又慢返嫁喇.. 希望可以幫到你喇
2009-05-01 8:39 pm
you have feeling slow response when Right Click or press Delete key.
Did your computer running normal in all the time if you have not do this ?
or it's always running slow ?

suggest you can try to open "windows task manager" and keeping monitor the process in your computer.
when you right click or delete, did any process (program) pending/running on your computer, and than you will have some hints what's your computer doing and what related ...

Also, you can also try to delete the file as below location,
the file keep in this folder is the cache file by windows system,
you can delete some old files (sort by the date, and delete it which older than 1 week ....)

Hopes this help.

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